Example sentences of "[prep] [art] long time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean Stephen is a heck of a long time ago , he 's the very first martyr , and we although we celebrate his feast day still on December the twenty sixth because he is the first martyr , he 's quite a long way away .
2 So if somebody gets H I , yes , because gets , takes out a policy at twenty five , gets diagnosed H I V at thirty , and they 're still living , they have n't actually got full blown aids , and they can live for a hell of a long time afterwards , they 're paying their W O P premium for a long , long time .
3 It all seemed like a long time ago , but actually it was only this morning .
4 The first is that with another ten years of John Paul 's rule , the silencing of awkward bishops and theologians , the appointment to the episcopate of a most carefully selected team of neo-conservatives , a rather traditionalist form of Catholicism will , in fact , harden and remain for a long time effectively unchangeable .
5 Watching the Trooper disappear up the road , I reckon it could go on trooping for a long time yet at the right price , with very little needing doing .
6 I think this is a good principle and we hope to continue it , to some degree for a long time yet . ’
7 He would n't want to flee the nest for a long time yet .
8 ‘ I daresay this knavish lot will be in power for a long time yet .
9 She 'll be around for a long time yet . ’
10 ‘ Well , it wo n't be dark for a long time yet .
11 May he escape the bears for a long time yet .
12 Certainly schools will not be handling such retrieval techniques in the present economic circumstances for a long time yet ; though a service to teachers and educational researchers is offered in the United States ( and is available here in some libraries ) by the ERIC system , which provides micro-copies of research papers together with a tolerably thorough indexing system which can be computerized for quick search .
13 Okay you wo n't need to know that for a long time yet anyway will you .
14 ‘ You see , we had n't intended to get married for a long time yet — there being so many drawbacks , ’ she began .
15 Luke , she knew , would be occupied for a long time yet , drinking coffee with the other women , talking over the day , helping to cement working relationships for the future .
16 Here was this summer evening , their forms seemed to say , to be enjoyed by all , going on for a long time yet , with more ahead , and the fair when they felt like it , and the fireworks .
17 We are now in a second slump , which will continue for a long time yet , and unemployment is rising .
18 But this is the room eventually we 're going to use I mean not for a long time yet , as a working medieval kitchen .
19 Schemes of the same kind were drawn up for the forests of Chute , Pickering and Knaresborough , and in the soke of Somersham within the forest of Huntingdon , which the Attorney-General reported ‘ had not been in use for a long time past .
20 In the modern age , institutions outside the family have been created to administer public affairs and women were for a long time expressly excluded .
21 It seems as certain as anything can be that the absolute numbers of the old , and for a long time also their number relative to the whole population , will be far higher in future than anything experienced in the past .
22 She 'd never known any details ; she did n't know if the accident happened early on , or whether she would have to sit for a long time just waiting for the inevitable .
23 ‘ Bill and I talked about the amniocentesis for a long time tonight , and we 've decided against it . ’
24 In a cold fury he stood and sat about for a long time within , twice changing from chair to chair .
25 They were both quiet for a long time both thinking much the same thing : was such a pretence a way of beginning or would it destroy the might have-been ?
26 Plants like pansies will flower for longer , but even those that flower for a long time anyway , like African and French marigolds , will look neater and tidier if dead-headed , and the dead flowers will not detract from flowers that are still blooming .
27 Alice went to a cafe in Finchley Road , and sat for a long time quietly by herself over strong coffee .
28 and manager Smith plans to be at the Manor for a long time too … he 's brushed away speculation about going to Stoke … he 's happy at Oxford … well he will be when they start winning
29 Equality of opportunity — the idea that everybody should have a fair chance of doing themselves justice — is a notion that has been at the basis of public provision of education and indeed of much educational charity for a long time indeed .
30 For indeed the demand and supply schedules do not in practice remain unchanged for a long time together , but are constantly being changed ; and every change in them alters the equilibrium amount and the equilibrium price , and thus gives new positions to the centres about which the amount and the price tend to oscillate . [ … ]
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