Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] even [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the eagles in the Cages have forgotten , for they can not bear to remember , and because of that even if the opportunity came they would not be able to return to their homesites .
2 There was an omen of this even while the legislation was passing through Parliament .
3 These arrangements will continue in respect of 1992/93 even if the House of Lords finds for the Crown .
4 A total of 98 competitors weighed in from an entry of 126 even though the venue rose five feet above normal .
5 This is probably true of all human beings irrespective of culture and simply means that some degree of maturation of the ego must occur at around the age of seven even if the culture does not choose that moment for the installation of the superego .
6 Most people feel chilly instinctively when looking at a picture like this even though the photograph itself is obviously not cold .
7 There is a serious problem in that even when the LEA is giving meals away the customers do n't take them !
8 Nevertheless , as he went on to say , " my friends at Tribschen assure me that , to their amazement , I have succeeded in this even where the problem is at its most extreme , with Tristan …
9 In general even if the price of a holiday goes up extortionately , the number of people going overseas tends to stay about the same .
10 The final line-up is SDLP 17 , up two with a slightly improved vote , Sinn Fein five , as before but with an increased overall vote , DUP five , up from four even though the party 's vote dropped slightly , Ulster Unionist two down one with a reduced vote and Independent Unionist 1 .
11 Short of a catastrophic breakdown , the chances of that happening were close to zero even before the race started , because Koch is determined to freeze out Conner and make the final an all America Foundation affair .
12 In Wales the club-v-country argument has gone on for longer even than the locust years — a constant , nagging reminder of the manifold and manifest divisions that have wrought such damage on Welsh rugby .
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