Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After that it gets confusing yeah .
2 Such a system was effectively harnessed by the energy and skill of Thomas Cromwell ; but deprived of his control after 1540 it became corrupt , inefficient , and unpopular .
3 Thus the courts were clearly subservient to the commands of the Communist Party , although it should be noted that the degree of independence available to the courts has varied over time : in the 1930s it was minimal , but after 1956 it became greater .
4 Paul Bedworth , 19 , now studying artificial intelligence at Edinburgh University , allegedly brought the Brussels computer system to a halt after commanding it to make 50,000 phone calls .
5 After 1988 it increased each year to 1526 in 1991 ( table II ) .
6 During the summer months of 1986 it became clear that this approach enjoyed strong backing from the United States and Britain .
7 In the light of this it seems that severance is beneficial in that it stops one party acquiring the whole property in the event of the other 's death , but the actual shares of the parties would have to await determination by the Court ( or agreement ) .
8 In view of this it seems appropriate to study mucosal metabolism in ileal as well as colonic mucosa in UC patients and controls in the expectation that any abnormalities that could be detected in the histologically normal ileum of ulcerative colitis patients would be unlikely to be secondary phenomena .
9 The actions of the central authorities , in the event , served to rally local opinion still more closely around the nationalist leaderships , and when the issue of full independence was put to the republican populations in the spring of 1991 it received overwhelming endorsement The Lithuanian vote , in February , produced a majority of over 90 per cent on an 84 per cent turnout ; in Latvia and Estonia , in March , there were majorities for independence of 74 and 78 per cent on a similar turnout .
10 For an exciting moment at the beginning of 1918 it seemed possible that the pacifists might push Labour into collision with a Government still adamant that nothing short of overwhelming military victory could provide the basis for peace .
11 In the sixth week of 1845 it held 260 people ; for the same week in 1846 the figure was 320 and in the last year of the Famine 893 .
12 About the middle of 1942 it became evident that in order to make the night bombing raids over Germany more effective , some form of air marking would have to be developed to guide the aircraft more accurately to their targets .
13 In the summer and autumn of 1989 it seemed possible that this might no longer be true .
14 At the beginning of 1989 it remained uncertain whether this unenthusiastic recognition would survive the vicissitudes of negotiation .
15 By the end of 1988 it had foreign debts of $100.4 billion , of which $70.6 billion came from 600 commercial banks .
16 By the standards of 1961-or , perhaps , today — it was radical stuff , by the style of 1967 it seemed passé .
17 The party addressed much of its effort to workers and it enrolled few peasant members , yet the peasant question was central to its programme and during the revolution of 1905 it exerted considerable influence in the All-Russian Peasants ' Union .
18 In view of waning Axis fortunes in the summer of 1944 it seemed curious that when the Spanish Foreign Minister , Jordana , died in August he was replaced by Spain 's ambassador to occupied France , José Felix Lequerica Erquiza , a man of known Axis sympathies .
19 Behind these it requires little more than a bag .
20 During 1902 it became evident that larger capacity cars would be needed for the main Norbury — Purley line and fifteen were ordered , ten to belong to the Corporation and five to the B.E.T .
21 For many it seemed expedient and not seriously damaging to British interests to give the Soviets the benefit of many doubts — at least for the time being .
22 During 1978 it became apparent that the existing methods of storing and handling personnel information were inadequate and in need of urgent review .
23 It also has other economic advantages in that it requires fewer facing bricks than solid walls !
24 The invention of printing , a key technical stage in the technology of distribution , had remarkable early effects in that it made technical distribution much easier but in conditions of relatively unaltered social distribution .
25 The University of Wales occupies a unique position in the educational system of the Principality in that it validates all teacher-training courses as well as almost all the other advanced courses offered by the public sector higher education establishments , with the exception of the courses offered at the Polytechnic of Wales which are CNAA validated .
26 For Judith Butler this renders the Lacanian narrative ‘ ideologically suspect ’ in that it remains rooted in ‘ a romanticization or , indeed , a religious idealization of ‘ failure' ’ , humility and limitation before the Law' ( Gender Trouble , 56 ) .
27 The European Convention differs in that it establishes effective enforcement machinery of which the aggrieved individual can avail himself , even where the alleged offender is his own home state .
28 In fact Mr Hingston found a slightly unusual account in that it had instant access so long as withdrawals were made by post .
29 And then Mr then erm dismissed my concerns for affordable supply in that it had all been said before .
30 Although that has meant that not much can be done , in principle it is a good idea in that it forces underwater sites to compete with land sites for funding , and tends to keep the attention on the point that it is archaeology we are talking about .
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