Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
2 He could see that part of Broken Springs so clearly , almost as if he was standing there .
3 from , from the , you could either do it by a method of taxing landlords so heavily
4 Why are the effects of these responses so much less noticeable in powered machines ?
5 And if you are a parent yourself , please spare a thought for the mothers of these children so far away .
6 Claire is one of three patients so far to undergo the procedure under the supervision of consultant orthopaedic surgeon Richard Montgomery .
7 She is one of three patients so far to undergo the procedure at the hospital , under the supervision of consultant orthopaedic surgeon , Mr Richard Montgomery .
8 We have been seeing this from the development of the transistor to its becoming very widespread now , being replaced and developed in the form of integrated circuits so now we have the microprocessor chip .
9 Of course , this does not rule out the use of naturalistic facts so long as an objective notion of validity is employed — the validity of inductive inference could turn on features of the context in which it is carried out , or the perceptual apparatus of the reasoner .
10 This is the first of 4 performances so hopefuly they 'll settle down and get used to it . ’
11 Most of them arose as a result of an all-Russian phenomenon in 1922 — the lack of co-ordination and exchange of information between the centre and the localities , together with nonchalant neglect of provincial problems so long as they did not affect central political issues .
12 Boeing has bagged more than $8 billion of firm orders so far this year , and made sales of $30 billion last year .
13 In much the same vein , one LEA considered recently a draft of a newsletter to parents outlining the implication of those rights so far as a child 's education in their early years was concerned .
14 Only Cup runs have kept them out of those positions so far .
15 We shall not go into the variety of psychological mechanisms which convert terrible actuality into pleasing imagination , but there is one of them , sado-masochism , which demands attention because it explains why tellers of harsh truths so often offend not only our sentimentality but our moral sensibility .
16 If Irish industry is indeed managing its 17 000 out of 20 000 tonnes production of toxic wastes so efficiently that it pollutes neither land nor water then Ireland ought , by right , to become top European advisor on wastes handling .
17 the Crown is not bound to take the advice of a particular Ministry to put its subjects to the tumult and turmoil of a series of general elections so long as it can find other Ministers who are prepared to give it a trial .
18 And I doubt that this time around Arab public opinion will separate the action of Western governments so clearly from Western peoples as they seemed able to do after Suez .
19 the motive was to steal scrap metal from the company the amount of metal would have been less than a couple of hundred pounds so quite a minor incident in itself .
20 President Hashemi Rafsanjani , who declared three days of national mourning , in early July announced that the death toll was between 35,000 and 36,000 ; this compared with a figure of 40,000 bodies so far recovered , given by the Red Crescent ( the Moslem equivalent of the Red Cross ) on June 27 , and much higher estimates initially .
21 Attitudes of successive governments so far have only solidified the lock .
22 The idea of two particles so near in mass was troubling for some people and made them wonder if some misinterpretations had occurred ; in particular Patrick Blackett , another Nobel Laureate , raised a question as to whether there might be other explanations of the pion decay .
23 In Bharatpur , the competition between Rajiv Gandhi 's ruling Congress ( I ) party and the assorted forces of the anti-Congress opposition is so finely poised , and the pool of royal admirers so deep , that three prominent relatives of Maharajah Brijendra Singh have slipped into a democratic version of an old autocratic vice : the royal family feud .
24 My dad and I had talked about these things so rarely .
25 This scheme provided for a mixed system of public and private pensions , with many of the better paid and more secure groups of workers able to ‘ contract out ’ into private schemes so long as they were at least as good as the State Earnings Related Pensions Scheme ( SERPS ) .
26 The main advantage of building this way is the houses fit into old villages so well .
27 Whilst we recognise that conditions favoured us in the first quarter in that weather-related losses were comparatively light , the worldwide nature of the improvement , together with encouraging indications so far in the second quarter , lead us to believe that the worst is behind us and that trends will continue to improve .
28 Bulbs of the future which are on show include daffodils of the ‘ split corona ’ or ‘ butterfly ’ type with double cups so heavily ruffled as to obscure their identity .
29 This is his sixteenth over , two for seventeen with nine maidens so far , bowling from the far end , the nursery end with a cluster of fielders , you 've got a silly point and a short leg and a slip and he 's got er , at the moment four men on the leg side as he 's had most of the time and five on the off , and now a slight adjustment , we 're gon na have an extra one around the batsman .
30 Ironically , this year had the makings of one of the busiest for the Wessex helicopter crews with 40 call-outs so far .
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