Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] its [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Law binds not because it says it does ( although it does say just that ) but because there are good reasons for accepting its claim to mandatoriness and these good reasons have to do with what law can do for us in certain situations of social opportunity , difficulty and peril .
2 NICOSIA ( Reuter ) — The Japanese firm , Mitsui , has undertaken to pay Iran almost $1bn ( £625m ) in compensation for ending its role in a joint petrochemical complex , Iran 's Irna news agency said .
3 Some such philosophers say that one notices that something is white through noticing its resemblance to other things .
4 It is always worth checking its brightness against Alpha Pegasi ( Markab ) , which is white and definitely constant .
5 After completing its work on the Newsom Report , the Central Advisory Council was reconstituted under the chairmanship of Lady Plowden , and turned its attention to primary schools .
6 After depositing its cargo of arms the plane was loaded up with 25,000 pounds of marijuana and flown to the US Air Force base at Homestead , South Florida .
7 After leading its sector in hectic growth , Saatchi 's became the largest ad agency in the world .
8 Fokker is negotiating with Lockheed to assemble aircraft in America : this would bring Lockheed back into the commercial business , which it quit in 1981 after losing its shirt with the TriStar .
9 THE SDLP on Down Council has confirmed its intention to continue power-sharing between the two traditions , after extending its majority to three in last week 's elections .
10 Titaghur plc ( manufacturer of jute products in India ) has received a clean auditor 's report on its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 after changing its system of accounting and reporting .
11 In addition to confirming Tanabe 's election , the extraordinary party conference confirmed its new leader 's policy review , but did so only after altering its substance to such an extent that it contained little in the way of significant policy shifts .
12 A monster pike measuring about 4ft and weighing over 30lb has had a £460 bounty put on its head after chomping its way through almost half the stock of waterfowl and fish in the boating lake at Alexandra Palace , North London .
13 He took that in the steaming forests of Howondaland , after killing its owner with his teeth .
14 it will attempt to establish that there is one human history , with one truth and one intelligibility — not by considering the material content of this history , but by demonstrating that a practical multiplicity , whatever it may be , must unceasingly totalise itself through interiorizing its multiplicity at all levels .
15 In May 200 struck on the Orlov-Vitebsk line on this account , declaring that instead of devoting its energy to extracting gold from the churches , the government should find ways of paying them better .
16 Although Burda talks of maintaining its share of the upper end of the periodicals market this has been interpreted as a delaying tactic , to allow the magazine to bow out gracefully .
17 ‘ A very challenging and exciting time lies ahead for Magnus and I am confident of maintaining its position as the ‘ investors ’ choice .
18 In the event that it could not locate a world in reasonable proximity which possessed both a breathable atmosphere and acceptable conditions of gravity and temperature , a pod was capable of maintaining its passenger in a state of suspended animation for an almost indefinite period .
19 It was not until August 1976 that the then Secretary of State declared his intention of accepting its argument for a single , national , validating agency .
20 in the course of that business acquired his interest in the article or substance supplied to the customer as a means of financing its acquisition by the customer from a third person ( ‘ the effective supplier ’ ) ,
21 The acquisition of a new Steinway Grand piano by the town stimulated the idea of allowing its use by and for the younger generation .
22 BOWLS players yesterday accused Darlington Council of wasting its money on a new bowls hut .
23 If the horse is to be trailered , it should first have some experience of eating its dinner in the trailer .
24 They will maintain firm control of public spending with the aim of keeping its share of national income on a downward trend over time .
25 Whilst windsurfing , by keeping the head level you are giving your body the best chance of keeping its balance beneath you .
26 But last March AMD stole a tenth of this market within months of launching its version of the 386 , and now claims almost a third .
27 The School is in the process of widening its range of options with an MSc/Diploma in Marketing ; it is also pursuing a proposal to introduce a modular MBA , in the first instance in Public Sector Management , but others are expected to follow .
28 Thus Tsarism did show signs of establishing its power after the 1905 revolution .
29 With 100 $500 grants already on their way to scientists working in Russia , the International Science Foundation ( ISF ) has taken the first step towards meeting its goal of helping to preserve research in the former Soviet Union .
30 I shall wish to see records of all dealings since the last formal audit , to ascertain the group 's cash position and to form an opinion of its prospects of meeting its debt to the bank within reasonable time .
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