Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] you [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She told me about seeing you at that nightclub . ’
2 Surely you no longer suspect me of using you in some devious plan to make Lotta jealous ? ’
3 ‘ Listen , Dan , Kate 's sick of seeing you on that settee .
4 I toyed with the idea of reminding you of all my triumphs , of my prediction of the ‘ 87 stock market crash , of my warnings about the ERM and the dangers of Europe , about …
5 The effect of overcrowding was the disastrous one of turning you against all humanity .
6 I would of thought you of all people would have done that you know !
7 ‘ I would have written sooner , but I was afraid of getting you into some trouble .
8 The story is told through the eyes of the crews who man the engines and it is an interesting way of conducting you over one of Britain 's most interesting and picturesque routes .
9 It can be extended for the specific purpose of retraining you for new work provided that any agreement to do so :
10 At supper there is more likely to be a simple salad than a roast on the menu , which has the advantage of leaving you with more room to do proper justice to the pudding .
11 A window box is more than capable of supplying you with some of the flowers you may want to press , and you can buy other flowers from a florist to supplement what you grow yourself .
12 I am glad to have the opportunity of welcoming you to WISE V — this special mobile classroom which British Rail Signal and Telecommunications Engineering has funded is to provide your pupils a chance to experience the excitement of working on the equipment on board .
13 I am delighted to have the opportunity of welcoming you to WISE VI — this special mobile laboratory which The Nottingham Trent University has funded to provide your pupils and colleagues with a chance to experience the excitement of working with the equipment on board , which has been developed by the :
14 Other than luck — winning the football pools or coming into a legacy — there are three main possibilities for providing you with extra money : your home , work and investment skill .
15 ‘ And I 'm sorry , too , ’ puts in Rainbow , ‘ for getting you into this mess in the first place .
16 ‘ I 'm through kissing you in public .
17 ‘ I must apologise for disturbing you at such a late hour , ’ Potter said .
18 So you can understand what a sacrifice it is your father is making in sending you to this school .
19 You can go to court for an order to exclude your husband from your home or to forbid him from harassing you in any way .
20 Here again , student counsellors in college may help in talking you through such problems .
21 Thank you again for your help and I look forward to seeing you on 13 June .
22 I look forward to seeing you on 13 June .
23 I look forward to seeing you on 13 June .
24 I look forward to seeing you on 14 June .
25 The other trainers and I look forward to seeing you on 22nd September .
26 I look forward to seeing you on 16th October , please note that all four Q.T. days will be held at Rutherford School , Penfold Street , London W.1 .
27 If your next-door neighbours insist on blasting you at all hours with Wagner 's Gottedammerung " , be thankful : it might have been Heavy Metal .
28 I look forward to meeting you on 27th .
29 This book would not be complete without providing you with some information on the subject .
30 Have you ever created a conflict situation yourself with someone you consider responsible for hurting you in some way , perhaps even years before ?
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