Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] for [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After allowing for the much higher non-attendance rate in controls , the annual rate of eye examination per patient and the number of patients referred to a hospital ophthalmic clinic were comparable in the two groups .
2 Although it seems that the luminosity of the centre can be provided by the central star cluster , there remain compelling reasons for searching for a possibly dormant massive black hole .
3 A suicide note revealed they were desperate after years of caring for the seriously handicapped daughter .
4 So what is the doctor 's duty in the case of caring for the terminally ill ?
5 A second trial of 24 people , accused of working for an allegedly pro-Iraqi newspaper , al-Nidaa , was adjourned on May 21 amid widespread international criticism centring on the conduct of the trials .
6 The Holfordian approach to civic design withered on the vine and the operation of planning for the most part relapsed into a much more mundane , bureaucratic system based on plan making and development control , guided by adherence to normative values and adherence to scientific criteria — ironically of the kind that Holford 's team in the ministry had drawn up .
7 A speech by the prince about caring for the terminally ill sounded so close to his wife 's concerns she could have written it herself .
8 The prince spoke for 15 minutes about caring for the terminally ill , then extended his visit to a London conference to talk privately with health service staff .
9 The fit ‘ young elderly ’ are already an important resource for caring for the very old and may more become so .
10 It is also hard to move without being promoted , so if you do not want more administrative responsibility , or are not promotion material , again you are inhibited from searching for a more congenial workplace .
11 Much effort has been invested in searching for the most suitable counselling model .
12 The current obsession with pseudo-Victorian and other bogus ‘ historical ’ styles imposed willy-nilly and quite regardless of the true age of the pub , seems to suggest two things ; firstly that pub designers and fitters have completely lost their way , both in recognising and respecting what is genuinely old and in looking for a wholeheartedly modern pub style ; secondly that there is some king of awareness , correct but misguided , that people like their pubs to look old and feel familiar .
13 In fact their own interests — in terms of improving both their domestic position and their leverage with Moscow — coincided with Castro 's in pushing for a fully socialist revolution .
14 We joined environmental organisations across Europe in calling for a vastly enhanced programme of ‘ agri-environment ’ measures under the reformed Common Agricultural Policy when European Agriculture Ministers met in Cambridge in September under the UK Presidency of the EC .
15 It may in part be a function of the teacher 's own practices , and when this is so an analysis of his or her use of time , from the broad organizational strategies right down to the minutiae of moment-to-moment interactions with the children , could help both in creating more time and in making for a more effective and efficient context for learning .
16 So it was with a confident heart that your reporter negotiated the challenges of the M25 and M4 en route to Sonning for the 10.30am rendezvous with fellow support crew member , Liz Roberts and of course our fearless cyclists .
17 they 're gon na go for the best there is
18 All these findings on the relationship between housing and unemployment are not substantially altered by allowing for the generally lower social status — and therefore higher risk of unemployment — among local authority tenants as both this study and the work of a number of other researchers has shown ( McCormick , 1983 ; Hughes and McCormick , 1987 ; Murphy and Sullivan , 1986 ; an extended bibliography of the general topic of housing and labour market interactions is given in Munro , 1986 ; Labour Force Survey 1983 and 1984 , 1986 , Table 6.6 ; Sullivan and Falkingham , forthcoming , Tables 1 , 2 ) .
19 Just by opting for a more left field occupation you 're putting yourself on the edge a bit It really does take a bit of bottle to do that and find your own way through the maze rather than just go with the flow .
20 Should preference be given to producing a smooth text with typical but semantically less precise conjunctions , or should the translator give priority to ‘ meaning ’ by opting for an equally varied array of conjunctions with precise meanings ?
21 Finally , by trying for an ultimately rational understanding of subjectivity , the theories reduce unconscious aspects of subjectivity to promising problems , which can be overcome .
22 JACQUES DELORS , President of the European Commission , told West Germany that its hopes for reunification would best be served by working for a more federal Community , implying that this might one day embrace East Germany .
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