Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Delay times were rearranged for the consonant groups in the list for each trial so that particular consonant groups were not always associated with the same delay time .
2 A bias is evaluated for each lexicographer so that those that are receiving less than their ‘ fair share ’ are given priority over others .
3 The distances between the two points were measured for each junction so that the driver 's mean speed at a junction could also be estimated .
4 To identify and measure the trade-offs that exist between economic objectives so that the policy-maker is made aware of how much of one must be given up to get more of another , e.g. 2 per cent more inflation or 0.5 per cent less unemployment .
5 for instance , it might be possible to introduce genes coding for specific receptors so as to alter the stomach or intestinal lining and provide treatment for ulcers .
6 Deselect the SAVE CHANGES option for normal use so that you start each new Windows session with your preferred layout .
7 Think carefully about each option so that , if the worst comes to the worst , you will be prepared .
8 The sentences were enlarged as much as possible , but sizeable gaps were left between each sentence so that the temptation to interpret contiguous sentences as meaningfully related was to some extent avoided .
9 When you select INTEGRATE from the main menu , you will be shown a list of the pieces for that garment so that you can enter the type of knitting method ( intarsia , Fair Isle or jacquard ) and the name of the particular stitch pattern to be used .
10 ( v ) Most libels of any gravity directed at the conduct of a local authority would sufficiently identify the councillors or officers concerned in or responsible for that conduct so as to enable individual councillors or officers to sue for libel just as , in this case , Mr. Bookbinder has brought proceedings in respect of the libels complained of by the council .
11 As well as carrying food , the CARE airlifts , which will soon be taking in enough seeds and tools for 50,000 families so that people can begin to help themselves .
12 They had been waiting for high water so that they could sail alongside in a civilised manner .
13 It is best NOT to sing a hymn during this procession so that the emphasis is on the action of GIVING .
14 Sometimes if the strip is long enough , the bird will reverse direction during this process so that the strip is looped back and woven parallel to itself .
15 ‘ To dress the Croatian thugs up as Franciscan monks so that they could escape to Italy out of the clutches of Tito 's partisans .
16 The commonly-held view that good teachers are ones who can pass on their expertise through clear explanations so as to avoid confusing their pupils has some interesting implications .
17 For a wood glue-to be effective it has to penetrate down the tubes for some distance so as to get hold of the undamaged wood .
18 She stood up quickly and began rummaging in her bag , desperately looking for some francs so that she could pay the woman and leave .
19 The prices of certain goods too — notably manufactured goods — appear to be ‘ administered ’ , or set for some time so that they do not respond immediately to changes in supply and demand .
20 I mean it 's as simple as that , and I Colonel 's comments , saying how hard done by Wiltshire police constabulary could be next year because we have n't set over the odds budget for this year so that the Home Secretary can take it on .
21 The nest was built whilst the truck was in use , so the bird must have been patiently waiting for it to return after each journey so that it could carry on with nest building .
22 In the same month they travelled to Bermuda for six weeks so that he might convalesce in the warmth : he responded well , and was walking more easily .
23 Rental obligations are to be apportioned between the finance element , which is to be charged to the profit and loss account , and the capital element which is to be applied to reduce the outstanding obligation for future instalments so as to produce a periodic rate of charge which represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding .
24 Rental obligations are to be apportioned between the finance element , which is to be charged to the profit and loss account , and the capital element which is to be applied to reduce the outstanding obligation for future instalments so as to produce a periodic rate of charge which represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding .
25 The ball raised approximately £40,000 for the Time Walker Education Endowment Fund , which will provide education for future generations so that they understand the vital importance of conservation .
26 Now there are chairs available for additional speakers so if they would come down it would certainly expedite the business of congress .
27 For the first time in their history the Tuareg — the largest tribe of Nomads in the Sahara Desert — recently delayed their annual migration for 10 days so as to catch the final episode of Dallas
28 Erm I 've also received information on conference accommodation and on the billboards but I 've billed those as separate items so that you do n't listen to me half off all evening .
29 Jim Birrell , chief executive of the Halifax said : ‘ The availability of extra Housing Corporation Funds is welcome and we will be happy to talk to housing corporations about extra finance so that they can spread their £750 million over as many houses as possible .
30 ‘ … the main idea is that social phenomena are seen as existing in relation to each other , and continually developing in and through such relations so as to form at various phases contradictory forces that generate qualitatively new formations .
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