Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [verb] his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Run For Free did his best to eject Mark Perrett seven from home , but apart from that he put up a superb display of jumping .
2 He could not accept all the offers that were made , for he had after all to keep his large family of seven children in the manner he had chosen .
3 The duke was virtually forced into some sort of counter-offensive to protect his own interests , and his seizure of prince Edward at the end of April could even be justified , although Mancini does not say so , as a return to Edward IV 's original wishes .
4 The duke was virtually forced into some sort of counter-offensive to protect his own interests , and his seizure of prince Edward at the end of April could even be justified , although Mancini does not say so , as a return to Edward IV 's original wishes .
5 DEAN REYNOLDS , whitewashed by Steve Davis in the Rothmans Grand Prix final , made a break of 112 to clinch his 9-7 win over Tony Meo last night which gives him a return meeting with Davis in today 's quarter-final of the Everest World Matchplay Championship at the Brentwood Centre .
6 His paternal grandfather Thomas Mellon left Ulster for America and at the age of fifty-six opened his own private bank the Mellon Bank which his son Andrew inherited .
7 Defeat in the general election of 1865 ended his parliamentary career .
8 The great epidemic of plague of 1665 expanded his medical practice and made his name .
9 The political cataclysm of 1931 undermined his central strategy of the twenties .
10 The copy of Animal Farm Waugh read in the summer of 1945 to spite his communist cousin had been sent to him by Orwell himself , whom he had never met .
11 And the logic used to justify infringements against these matches his own .
12 While he is generally careful to uphold the Politeness Principle , he wishes above all to preserve his own negative face .
13 When Lord Hawke in 1925 made his famous remark about the undesirability of a professional ever captaining England , Fender responded in the socialist Daily Herald by calling his lordship 's comments ‘ a gratuitous insult ’ to professional cricketers .
14 Rauschning also began to realise that Gauleiter Forster had been using the economic reforms initiated by the Party in 1933 to line his own pocket .
15 In 1985 came his first major screen role as the Russian sailor Sergei in the 1985 British film , A Letter To Brezhnev .
16 He concentrated on drawing cartoons and in 1932 had his first acceptance from Punch , the beginning of a partnership that established him as a major comic artist and one of the most original talents in the long history of the magazine .
17 First was Robert Maxwell , who in 1984 achieved his long ambition to play the press baron role and won the Mirror papers from Reed at an acceptable price .
18 GOJU-KAI A one-time student of goju , Gogen Yamaguchi , broke away from goju-ryu to form his own style of goju-kai .
19 For a significant minority in our simple , illegally young : 1 man in 5 had his first experience of sexual intercourse before the age of consent ( 16 ) .
20 In reality , he was more of a third seamer than a strike bowler , and did the job only in the absence of a faster man , but he once took 6 for 38 in Australia and at Leeds in 1957 had his best Test figures of 7 for 70 .
21 He managed three points in 1976 driving his own Copersucar Ford , 11 in 1977 , 17 in 1978 , 1 in 1979 , 3 in 1980 and absolutely nothing in 1981 , the year when he finally stopped racing his own cars and quit F1 .
22 So Abdullah Muhammad was a policeman in Tazarbu , and in 1978–9 used his spare time to build a mosque in Wadi district , for which the landowning lineage paid him .
23 G. A. Smith was among the first to give up , going to work with Urban on developing his new colour process ; Haggar retired in 1909 to run his own cinema ; Williamson curtailed the production of dramatic comic films after his standing contract with the UA was cancelled and directed his energies into educational filmmaking to escape ‘ the horrible nightmare of having my business directed by outsiders . ’
24 YON U SAN The hesitation a boy experiences before first kissing his first girl
25 In one attack his invalid car was stolen and smashed .
26 Leopold Kessler is a young American , of German parentage , who has arrived in Germany in 1945 to make his own restitution , as it were , to the country his father abandoned .
27 He left Macmillan in 1989 to establish his own consultancy and training practice , specialising in electronic information media .
28 But it was an English Household clerk who in 1244 persuaded his royal master that his financial difficulties would be solved by making rigorous inquiries into encroachments on the Forest rights of the Crown , and imposing heavy amercements on those who made them .
29 Youth itself was hardly a disadvantage , in an age when people were ruling kingdoms and leading armies in their teens ; the Stewart kings themselves , all but one beginning his personal rule in his teens , two dead at thirty , and only one surviving beyond the age of forty , could hardly have waited for age and experience to bless their undertakings and achievements .
30 True , he had struggled at first to satisfy his beautiful young bride ; he had been too long a bachelor and too set in his ways .
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