Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 A share for everybody would mean less than half a mouthful and if " everybody " meant natives as well , the amount you received would hardly be worth opening your jaws for .
2 He was ushered forward after cooling his heels for four minutes .
3 We had to climb to FL070 maintaining VMC before we could contact Lisboa Military , and after passing our estimates for the TMA boundary , immediately requested the Porto weather and reports of CB activity .
4 The runaway Prince Leonce and his veminous , thieving philosphical sparring partner Valerio , after pawning their clothes for food , loaf about in the forest in long johns swapping paradoxes like two men waiting for Godot .
5 ‘ Acid ! ’ he cried after consulting his notes for the one hundred and thirty-ninth time .
6 Born in Central Asia , raised in Siberia , Zhanna became a vital figure in Moscow 's new wave after failing her exams for Theatre College and joining rockabilly group Bravo .
7 After making his plans for the safekeeping of funds in several banks he started off on his travels once again .
8 ‘ I do n't drink , ’ Magige assured him shakily , ignoring her previous thoughts of raiding his cupboards for stiff drinks .
9 All investigations into the perpetuation of evil point ultimately to the conclusion that the human race has never placed anywhere near sufficient emphasis on the importance of training its members for parenthood .
10 But this made the Department and ministers once again vulnerable to charges of abdicating their responsibilities for financial and policy goals .
11 In his introduction to the Annual Review , Dr Eyre stressed the importance of strengthening our opportunities for new business by forming commercial partnerships by acquisition and joint ventures .
12 More importantly , however , David Agnew , the collector of Wigtown , McCulloch of Torhouse , the controller of customs , Gordon of Drumbeg , the surveyor , and a tide waiter named McKeen , were also councillors , and all of them were in some danger of losing their posts for incompetence if nothing worse .
13 Despite neglecting his studies for the attractions of the cricket pitch James emerged in 1918 with a sound understanding of European civilisation , and a keen interest in ancient Greece , a society in which sport was also developed as an integral part of life .
14 Someone who says he 's ‘ held one in his hand ’ , thinks that Intel has done a good job hyping up the industry over the P5 without having much chance of delivering its promises for some time to come .
15 For many , the thought of leaving their parents for the first time left them subdued .
16 Hope is about the unknown and prospects , about balancing our needs for security with the dangers of freedom .
17 But changing banks , as Branson was prone to saying , ‘ is a bit like changing your parents for a new set .
18 Howard alternated between scanning their surroundings for signs of hostile action , and glancing worriedly at the Doctor , all the time fearing for his car 's safety at these maniacal velocities .
19 They believe that such a move could provoke Labour into accepting their terms for a partnership government as its anxiety to hold office mounted .
20 I envied them their sexual freedom and their self-assured dignity , and I despised the British vice squads that ran them in and were not above enjoying their charms for a consideration .
21 Do you want to erm , well I 've come today as the partner responsible for recruiting my men for the audit of the County Council , together with my colleague Stephen Critchley , who is the partner responsible for the regularity audit , the main accounts of the County Council accounts .
22 We discuss and enjoy celebrating the seasonal festivals such at Christmas , Easter and Harvest , when we join with the rest of the Junior School in bringing our gifts for the sick , and those in need in the neighbourhood of the School .
23 The Pope is affirming here that women have work to do not only in the Church , but also in using their gifts for the good of society .
24 Point of sale systems supplier Riva Group Plc has succeeded in stemming its losses for the year to December 31 by drastic cost-cutting and leaving unprofitable market sectors .
25 We 're just unwinding before girding our loins for London .
26 Yamamoto and his staff had already spent time and effort in training their men for the attack .
27 In establishing its parameters for employment land provision of county in its eight constituent districts , the County Council 's intention has been to sustain and improve the economic wellbeing of the county by ensuring that continuous supply and a wide choice of sites can be made available .
28 In addition to these data requirements , such users are also interested in developing their capabilities for modelling the changing relationships between the supply and demand for infrastructure in the context of both public and private sector decision-making .
29 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
30 We drew on these aspects in developing our recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study .
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