Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pers pn] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 We may complain about it many times , but think of its wonderful facility of allowing us to phone that relative in the United States , or a friend a few miles away , or the butcher , or our business , and so on .
2 He had done a good enough job of getting her to do that already , and she 'd be damned if she was going to give him the satisfaction of letting it happen again .
3 Sally-Anne deserved punishment for forcing him to do that , if for nothing else .
4 That is clearly innate , but she also acknowledges the part played by Williams in helping her to develop that faculty .
5 His approach is particularly important in helping us to grasp that control is not just negative , and might in fact be just as tight today despite an ostensible ‘ liberalisation ’ , that power over sexuality is not in the simple form of censorship and denial but in regulation and organisation , and that this takes many forms .
6 Now , it is down to interpretation i er er and , it , on your next courses you may do a more in-depth conditions of carriage quiz which will ask you to study the conditions of carriage at night and produce a bit more detailed answer in the morning , but we 're not gon na expect you to do that on this course .
7 It need only do what it does now when it examines doctors ' behaviour by asking them to justify that behaviour before a panel of their professional peers .
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