Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [noun sg] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly many of the pupil self-assessment schemes seen during the survey would prove very useful as a basis for gathering information for departmental profiles , and could therefore be extremely helpful in the development of records of personal achievement , which are due to be introduced in all schools in the early 1990s .
2 In the 1860s Gaskell , Deacon & Co. was among the largest and most successful chemical works in Widnes , owing to Gaskell 's commercial management and Deacon 's method of recovering chlorine for bleaching-powder manufacture .
3 In 1731 the old custom of using Latin for legal records came to an end , but in practice many manorial records were written in English from much earlier times .
4 Such a task for sociology may appear reasonable and innocuous , particularly in societies which embrace a commitment to the principle of using knowledge for practical purposes and not to any principle of knowledge for knowledge 's sake' .
5 We have argued throughout that cutting eligibility is the worst possible way of containing the cost of legal aid , and we are pleased that the Home Affairs Committee has recognised the importance of maintaining eligibility for legal aid in order to ensure that citizens have access to advice and assistance at a price they can afford .
6 But none of these models or any others that we are aware of make allowance for possible differences in root turnover rates within an ecosystem type , nor are root turnover rates intrinsically linked to soil temperature .
7 Consumers would equate the marginal benefit of copper in 1995 to the forward price , which producers would equate to the marginal cost of producing copper for 1995 .
8 This project seeks to estimate the key parameters of purchasing behaviour for each of the four major EC countries ( France , West Germany , Italy and UK ) .
9 That theological word is a wonderful word describing God 's action of becoming human for each one of us .
10 More complex shapes , such as flowers , leaves and even butterflies are possible , although it may be necessary to use more than one strand of weaving yarn for some of these shapes to avoid floats .
11 It 's not a case of being paranoid , it 's a case of seeking fairness for all the school children , and then some of them receiving disproportional , you know higher , er amounts of money , then that must be seen to be unfair , and I 'm certainly well supported in that .
12 THE Bank of England took immediate advantage of surging demand for gilt-edged securities yesterday by raising £3 billion in an unprecedented exercise that started at 2.30 am .
13 They should also press for the training necessary to enable them to carry out their duties of securing provision for individual pupils and working to ensure that special education is esteemed as highly as any other form of education within a system in which schools will have greater control over resources and the setting of priorities for their use .
14 There are all kinds of reasons for Africa 's food problems — rich and precious land being used for cash crops instead of to grow food for local people ; a much smaller proportion of land fertile enough for cultivation than is the case in Asia or Europe ; farmers being paid such pathetic prices for food crops that they turn to coffee or tobacco in order to survive .
15 Instead of paying cash for each chance accepted would charity not benefit far more if 50p was paid for each dropped catch and missed stumping ?
16 The Scottish Environment Department on the choice of enforcing authority for Integrated Pollution Control ;
17 Labour accused of snubbing chance for new business
18 Over the centuries all the world 's religions have accumulated vast amounts of scriptures , as generation after generation struggled with the problems of defining an ever-growing variety of gods ; of endeavouring to explain the origins of the earth and the universe , ; of setting out independently the rights and wrongs of almost everything , ; of justifying caste systems and privilege by birth ; of seeking to instil a belief in an afterlife ; of explaining the complexities of simple and compound reincarnation , ; of building an hierarchy , sometimes with well-paid officers , ; of introducing rituals , rules and forms of worship , and combating ever growing scepticism until the whole world and all life would seem to be in existence solely for the purpose of providing space for this monstrous dumping ground for the products of centuries of speculative and ineffective effort .
19 I think it should be remembered that that public support actually was against a requirement of one thousand nine hundred dwellings , which is not quite the proposal being put forward by the County at the moment , but it is clear that there seems to me n not to be any public or great strength of public objection to the sort of proposals that are now before you in this enquiry , and it also seems to me that the reasons behind erm that that public support are essentially because it meets the first requirement of paragraph P P G thirty three , that the alternative expansion of existing towns or villages will represent a less satisfactory method of providing land for new housing that is needed , I think that is the essence of the public support , and so first of I think you can say that that 's that means that first criteria , and certainly it seems to meet the second automatically because it an expression of public preference .
20 The Greater York authorities are satisfied that a hundred and forty five hectares represents an appropriate overall land allocation for the area in the context of its sub- regional importance as an employment centre , a need for greater flexibility in terms of providing land for new industrial and commercial uses , the relocation requirements of existing firms , the amount of land already committed and the opportunities for employment related development identified through the Greater York study .
21 In particular , a number of more recent initiatives emerged with the primary purpose of providing assistance for those regions at a disadvantage with respect to the SEM ( mainly , but not exclusively Objective 1 regions ) .
22 Paradoxically , therefore , instead of providing refuge for those fleeing from the countryside , the very existence of these fortified towns drew the attention of the invader to them .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimates he has made of the costs of providing accommodation for those leaving the Army as a result of the reductions in the Army under ’ Options for Change ’ .
24 Similarly a member convicted under the Representation of the People Act 1983 , under the provisions relating to corrupt and illegal practices is incapable of holding office for five years .
25 The purpose of the comparability and improvements project is to revise existing international accounting standards to permit fewer free choices of accounting treatment for like transactions and events and to require better disclosures .
26 It dealt with 29 instances of existing IASs ' allowing a free choice of accounting treatment for like transactions and events .
27 Moreover , in January 1991 it was announced that the tests for 7 year olds had been modified and would take up half of teaching time for three weeks .
28 Cash released by the abolition of car tax would not match the loss of spending power for low-paid public sector workers , he argued .
29 To Emma Durham , the Treasurer , who against difficult odds kept us solvent , to Michelle O'Callaghan , the Social Secretary , whose art of mixing cocktails ensures that she will always have something to fall back on should the need arise , and to Diane Mynors , the Housechair for her ability to seek out bargains ( how many people do you know that could get 14 bottles of dishwashing liquid for 64 p .
30 It is the principle of having respect for other people 's property .
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