Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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31 The sonnets of Astrophil and Stella that follow may be the result of taking the muses ' advice or ignoring the advice .
32 Will the benefits of extending the auditors ' role outweigh extra costs ?
33 It is only recently that the municipal authorities and hospital boards have begun to discuss the possibility of changing the insurers ' conditions of funding so that they are more permissive of non-medical intervention and support .
34 Despite substantial resources , the task of preparing the awards ' entry is delegated to the most inexperienced member of the marketing team — and it shows .
35 It is common ground that the concessionary fees more than covered the additional cost to the school of educating the taxpayers ' children .
36 The abbey church of St Ricquier , built in the 790s , had galleries in its apses , and choir screens round the area of some of its altars , with the idea ( as we know from the ritual order of its Abbot Angilbert ) of dividing the monks ' and boys ' choirs ; the building must have echoed to the sound of these choirs as they answered each other antiphonally from different parts of it .
37 In particular , perhaps , there will be the question of agreeing the partners ' profit shares , the problem of which has already been touched on in Chapter 4 .
38 The latter method has the advantage of reducing the vendors ' capital gains tax liability and the purchaser 's stamp duty .
39 On June 1st Pen Kent , a senior official of the Bank of England , urged members of the newly formed Property Bankers Association to consider securitisation and other means of reducing the banks ' exposure to property , in order to create a more liquid market .
40 As special deposits are compulsory , by using them the Bank can be sure of reducing the banks ' liquid assets , and they are equivalent to an open-market sale , in that they reduce the banks ' ability to increase credit ( and hence the money supply ) .
41 They were , in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , responsible for the general management of this category of Crown properties — for the felling of timber in the forests for the Royal Navy , for repairs to Crown property , for royal gifts to subjects , or for sale ; for dealing with claims to customary rights in the Forest , for paying the keepers ' wages and for providing hay for the deer in times of scarcity .
42 Privately , they have backed Lamb and admired him for disclosing the Pakistanis ' ball-scuffing skulduggery .
43 But what is required now is not more research , but sustainable alternatives for harvesting the oceans ' bountiful resources — methods such as squid jigging or tuna trolling which have a negligible effect on non-target species .
44 The Lord Chancellor , Lord Mackay , concurred with allowing the taxpayers ' appeal on the grounds of statutory construction alone .
45 As with fundholding the committees ' responsibilities would include collection and analysis of information , assessment of needs , service specification , negotiation and monitoring of contracts , all of which would be carried out in partnership with the purchasing authority .
46 DPR demanded funds in immediately , but , paradoxically took their time about executing the clients ' orders .
47 SES/objectbench currently consists of two products : a graphical modelling tool for creating OOA model and an animated simulator for examining the models ' dynamic behaviour .
48 Nevertheless , despite the weaker Merseyside economy , MDC has undoubtedly succeeded in transforming the docklands ' image from that of a decaying twilight zone into a popular and fashionable urban environment .
49 On May 2nd this same year the ladies had the inconvenient request of asking that the men be prevented from using the ladies ' lavatory .
50 If this is done the tenants and their staff should be expressly prohibited from using the visitors ' car park and time limits on parking there should be imposed .
51 On Aug. 15 the All-Russian Labour Conference held a plenary meeting , chaired by I. Konstantinov , a People 's Deputy who had participated in organizing the Industrialists ' Conference .
52 In any case , Fred Winterbotham first succeeded in charming the Nazis ' arch-ideologue Alfred Rosenberg and through him mingled attentively with the highest elements of the Party .
53 Eurotunnel 's only hope seems to lie in satisfying the banks ' technical adviser that his forecast can be reduced — which means at least to the contractors ' £7.5bn , if not to Eurotunnel 's own £7bn estimate .
54 A large portion of the State 's scarce resources was absorbed in upholding the serf-owners ' authority and subsidizing their income .
55 He had played a conciliatory role in ending the players ' strike during the last labour-contract negotiations in 1990 and some owners felt they could not fully trust him to be their man this time round .
56 Machine knitting plays an important part in stimulating the residents ' creative talents and a small textile workshop has been set up with some encouraging results .
57 Two other characteristics which mostly attracted indirect mention but which , nevertheless , were important included : purity , in the sense of not containing other substances ; dependability in the sense that the product can always be relied upon to meet the mothers ' standard ( viz softness , non-irritant , pure ) .
58 In 1823 he was instrumental in establishing the Mechanics ' Magazine and the Mechanics ' Institute where , in 1825 , he delivered a course of lectures later published as Popular Political Economy ( 1827 ) .
59 Chevron also introduced new measures — popularly known as shark repellants — to prevent an unwanted takeover , introduced a new rule which would prevent Pennzoil from calling a shareholders ' meeting and asked the courts to approve its actions .
60 In sharing the Reds ' upset win in that national trial he proved a bit of success as a distributor and made two scorching breaks which hinted at a swashbuckling touch to his nature : ‘ I was very keen to make a good impression in the trial because it took place a week after my ‘ B ’ debut against Ireland and I wanted to make up for two particular errors in that game .
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