Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 PRINCESS Anne must take much of the credit for bringing royalty into the 20th Century .
2 In Southampton in the 1450s , when there was considerable bitterness in civic politics over the attitude to be taken to aliens , whether they should be welcomed for bringing wealth to the town , or attacked as intruders , marriage could lead a man to switch his allegiance from one group to another .
3 Janet was a pupil of the well-respected Professor Charcot ( 1825–1893 ) , who was responsible for founding the Salpêtrière School of Hypnotism in France and for bringing credibility to the subject .
4 They will tell him the rules for bringing motions before the council , for moving amendments , for raising questions , for length of speeches , rights of reply and the like .
5 She now remembered how she had criticized her mother for bringing babies into the world without being able to look after them .
6 You might be tempted to attribute it to lowish wage rates ( at the Brasserie ? ) , but a good answer would produce figures to justify this assertion ( you know both the staffing structure and the total wage bill for 1983 , at least , so you could work out the average gross wage per annum and relate it to what you knew about catering wages for the period ) .
7 The reason for including R in the picture is that , at least in all existing organisms , successful recombination requires the presence of enzymes , which in turn must be coded for by genes ; it is such a gene that is symbolized by R. The symbol r in Figure 5 represents a gene which is ineffective in bringing about recombination .
8 In fact only a few of Scotland 's great views are included but many well known ones elsewhere are covered such as Cat Bells and Snowdon , plus a few less familiar ones such as Mow Cop on the edge of the Cheshire Hills and Bennachie in Aberdeenshire .
9 But it should be clear that while one or two methods may be the most important for attributing coins to a mint or dating them , almost any other consideration can be important , depending on its relevance or on the accidents of survival .
10 The people who had not yet moved out of hospital showed no clear trend in their level of participation in meaningful activity , strengthening the case for attributing changes in the group that moved to the community services rather than passage of time or general improvement in all services .
11 Amersham is paying $61.3m ( £38.3m ) to acquire Medi-Physics , the loss-making radiopharmaceuticals subsidiary of Hoffman-La Roche , to make the UK company the largest player in the £300m world radiopharmaceutical market , whose products are used for imaging organs of the body for diagnostic purposes .
12 Player power is once more causing concern amongst those responsible for administering tennis throughout the world .
13 A little girl described by Anna Freud got over her anxiety about seeing ghosts in the dark hall of her home by advising her brother , ‘ There 's no need to be afraid in the hall .
14 In Luton , vandals who caused £50,000 damage to a Sikh temple were condemned for inflaming tension between the Hindus and Moslems , which has now claimed 600 lives in India .
15 But winning the prize for Texas-style candour has been Billy Brown , who , when asked about allowing homosexuals into the armed forces , says ‘ Hell no !
16 In Climate and Life he recalls the work of his collaborator O.A. Drozdov on ‘ Changing the Climate in Connection with the Plan for Transforming Nature in the Drought Regions of the USSR ’ ; and studies by others on the feasibility of melting the polar ice with nuclear energy and by damming the Behring Straits and pumping water from the Behring Sea into the Arctic .
17 i A coach tour operator has been fined £800 for allowing smoking on a coach tour which had been advertised as a smoke-free holiday .
18 Largely because of the tax gains , but also the increased freedom it gives to the pensioner , many pension schemes have provision for allowing part of the value of the pension to be capitalized on retirement .
19 Mr Premium , thought Sir Peter , would abuse the public for allowing merit to an Act whose object was to snatch misfortune and prudence from the rapacious gripe of usury , and give the minor a chance of inheriting his estate without being undone by coming into possession .
20 Paradoxically , this is the one day of the week when there IS some justification for allowing traffic into the Park — so that it can be enjoyed by the aged and infirm whose only means of access is by car .
21 In one other sense fear was promoted by abolitionists as a motive for demanding abolition in the national interest — fear of divine judgement falling upon the guilty nation as a whole .
22 Literature is an innovative resource book which offers the teacher a wide variety of interesting and practical ideas for using literature in the language class .
23 Last month 's PFK introduced you to some of my ideas for using herbs in the treatment of ill-health in fish .
24 There are many issues where a N C V O should be exercising leadership , sometimes a rather difficult concept , and there is no need to apologise for that , for using leadership at the right time , but it has to be a leadership by consent , rather than claimed without authority , and it is in this context that the policy development department in N C V O exists , to help channel voluntary sector concerns to opinion formers , and policy makers , regardless of party politics , regardless of political commitment .
25 The theoretical reason for using Jamaican as a reference point is that , as I shall argue in Chapter 4 , the main Creole influence on " London Jamaican " ( henceforth LJ ) really is Jamaican ; the comparison is therefore the appropriate one to make .
26 He further criticised him for using information from a confidential social work report to discredit a witness .
27 To make this last step possible is one reason for using words of the same class .
28 A study of the GEC bid to takeover Plessey outlines clearly the conflict that can exist between maintaining competition in the domestic market and restructuring an industry to enable it to compete with foreign competition , by allowing rationalisation to occur and encouraging the combined group to exploit economies of scale .
29 A metal hook at the top end of the handle is used for recovering line from a hole and is also useful for drawing rabbits out of a hole at a distance beyond the length of a man 's arm .
30 Near Snodland was an Elizabethan house with an old cage wheel , formerly used for drawing water from a well some one hundred and twenty feet deep .
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