Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Prominent American bankers recently informed me that half of their commercial letters of credit provided for payment not against ocean bills of lading , but against freight forwarders ' cargo receipts .
2 It is used to distribute incoming letters , small packages , and any messages for guests , and it also provides a definite place for keys not in use .
3 They are travelling out of necessity not for pleasure , therefore , the hotel must be a home from home , and they will most likely eat and drink in the hotel .
4 Whether she is consciously twisting logic , or just , poor girl , confused , I 'm not sure , but at the end it 's quite clear ‘ So dear I love them that with him all deaths I could endure , without him live no life ’ , that she 's got into a world of fantasy because the one thing that is of course not in question is that Adam should die and that she should live on , which appears to be what she 's referring to here .
5 He added : " We will have to live with this tragedy painfully , but of course not in despair . "
6 Here he looked very earnest and commented , ‘ of course not by instruction or order but by suggestion ’ .
7 In the second the press is restrained by its own professional Code of Practice not to misrepresent or mislead the public .
8 and , and that really would lead to the of self not of detriment of self
9 He commanded his church to be built on the knowledge of God not on ethos .
10 It distinguishes the classes of society not by reference to the contrasted roles of employer and employee , but rather by reference to their usefulness .
11 It also means that any kind of thought not in tune with these imperatives is , by definition , unfashionable and will not prosper ; which just happens to suit our masters and mistresses very well indeed .
12 I speak on behalf of Playback not as Playback itself , but as Playback being part of the Regional Council that can a bit , now I was at a meeting this morning where I , I sort of absolutely had to read the riot act about Playback because they do not have a set budget whether you know this or not , they do n't have a standard budget as they should have , we 've fought for this for years , what we do is , we survive through crisis to crisis , now some money has been extracted from the Playback budget and whilst I have to share two bits of Playback , you know , the , the actual Playback charitable , voluntary bit , and the Regional Council , I mean they , I , I can say that they do not have a backing of money that they can fall back on , too many backs there , but I mean really I would say that I would be concerned if it was Christmas before we were ready , I , I ca n't help but think if we could and I mean , very , very happy to work with , with anybody and everybody on this to try and get these things pulled up quite quickly , I mean if it 's forms to be filled in then
13 A policy of normalisation to ensure that the circumstances of children in care should be as near to those of children not in care , to be achieved through planning for permanency , was formulated ; and a practice of finding alternative families for children as the first choice , using residential care mainly as a brief transitional experience , was implemented .
14 A politician of intuition not of intellect , she served as the perfect antidote to the cerebral doctrines of the Keynesian planners of the 1945–79 period , against whose dominion she had so memorably rebelled .
15 What is called ‘ any benefit , or even any legal possibility of benefit , ’ in Mr. Smith 's notes to Cumber v. Wane , is not ( as I conceive ) that sort of benefit which a creditor may derive from getting payment of part of the money due to him from a debtor who might otherwise keep him at arm 's length , or possibly become insolvent , but is some independent benefit , actual or contingent , of a kind which might in law be a good and valuable consideration for any other sort of agreement not under seal .
16 They would be voting to divert attention from the one place where the merits or otherwise of fox hunting should be decided and considered amongst M Ps , you will note amongst MPs not by government , this is a matter for a free vote of conscience .
17 The script kept sending out these little signals ( 'It 's only when there 's land around that sea travel becomes really interesting' ) but it was possible to take them as evidence not of exhaustion but of apprehension about the project .
18 We discussed the concept of ‘ protection ’ as protection into emotion not from emotion .
19 ‘ I could believe in these two , with feelings not of pity , but of admiration — as Birabeau surely intended .
20 The RFC machines — mainly BE2s , Bleriots and Henri Farmans — operated individually and came under attack not by enemy aircraft but by artillery , and even by rifle fire from their own troops .
21 But I must stop , for I am turning Word into numbers not into flesh .
22 One of the most important contributions to the Appeal last year was in kind not in money .
23 As Jakobson put it , ‘ we are dealing in essence not with thought but with verbal facts ’ .
24 Both you and I are much blamed by the " crouner and capitanes " and in truth not without cause , for they say there is no wrong done in Ireland but only that which is done by these men that come from Ila , and Auchinbrecke said to me that he would complain to my Lord of you for sending them at all , except men you have passed and will be answerable for .
25 If you do n't have them , use manual valves to adjust the radiators or turn them off in rooms not in use .
26 That still leaves cases in which the judgment was given in terms not of money but of performance .
27 I ask that question in terms not of choice , but of equity for all children .
28 Less often admittedly , trainee and fully-fledged dealers at this firm indulged in games not for money .
29 More and more Anglican bishops broke ranks before the next Lambeth Conference in 1930 , which emphasized motives rather than method and gave grudging acceptance to ‘ other methods ’ than abstinence , noting that Church opposition was rooted in tradition not in Scripture .
30 Yet one disagreeable cynic observed the adoration and commented wryly : ‘ It seems to me that he 's the only man in London not in love with her ’ .
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