Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] were [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Reporters for ITN were getting the results a few minutes ahead of the announcement , by asking the candidates .
2 Anyway , my worst fears about Barny were confirmed the first time I tried to put a leash on him .
3 Although most of the proposed changes in means-tested forms of support were confirmed the review would now realize only marginal financial savings .
4 Edward Jones , of Rhyl and Patrick Tyrrell , of Runcorn were awarded the papal honour , Knight of St Gregory in recognition of their long service to the community .
5 The core policies of Reaganomics were to free the incomes of the rich through fiscal munificence while squeezing welfare payments to encourage the poor to find work ; to stimulate speculation in almost every imaginable commodity , in deference to the mystique of the fast buck ; to build up defence spending , but cut almost everything else .
6 Another group of subjects were asked the questions in ( 4 ) .
7 Only five hours after its shepherd-delighting glow had faded behind Richborough Castle the first eager fingers of light were fondling the clouds over Calais .
8 Only the faintest streaks of light were brightening the sky to the east , and by the time the two coolies had gone thirty or forty yards into the jungle , the overseer was lost to sight .
9 So , if the holder of a bill of exchange were suing the acceptor , and the acceptor were to complain that the holder had treated him hardly , or that the bill ought never to have been circulated , and the holder were to say , Now , if you will not make any more complaints , I will not sue you .
10 As Julie finally found a parking space close to the bank the first droplets of rain were striking the windscreen of the car , like oversized tears .
11 In 1983 the descendants of these owners of geese were to burn the local conservationists in effigy .
12 Dozens of guests were enjoying the party in the nurses ' common-room at the Princess Alexandra Hospital , Harlow , Essex , when several gatecrashers burst in .
13 Solar Wings of Wiltshire were given the award for their plane the Quasar .
14 Nearby , Garvey was fastening his boots and Adam of Rochester and Jack of Longleigh were feeding the horses .
15 With various motives — from the fear that the worst excesses of Thatcherism were making the existing social order less stable , to the belief that God was on the side of oppressed people seeking justice — its leaders spoke out against particularly inhumane State policies .
16 The women of Eagle were nicknamed the " Clenched Fists of Gloves " on account of their militancy and solidarity with other trade unions .
17 As a comparison , he pointed out that if the entire population of China were set the same task , it would take them more than four hours to complete it .
18 Once the pioneers of a new level of development were given the chance to flourish , they radiated out into a whole range of orders and families to take advantage of all the various possible means of gaining a livelihood .
19 Soldiers with bits of paper were moving the markers .
20 The minor disputes between the two countries , over reparations for damaged embassies in Tehran and London and some other outstanding debts , seemed all but settled and a group of MPs were visiting the Iranian capital .
21 Crowds of people were rushing the other way , towards the conflagration , to try to stem the fire before it spread to the other wooden buildings by the river .
22 In doing so he emphasized that if leaders of society were to maintain the allegiance of the masses they must demonstrate their responsibility for them , sustaining the aristocratic tradition of obligation towards the poor .
23 These differences of interpretation were to become the basis for new divisions within the ruling Party majority .
24 A small contingent of members were given the option of running either 15 or 21 miles .
25 Such vacillating fortunes of harvest were to become the norm for Champagne and , perversely , prove to be one of the reasons why this region is able to produce a sparkling wine superior to any other .
26 In 1968 , the watershed year of the student riots in Paris , when most of the new generation of radicals were denouncing the Labour Party as hopelessly fuddy-duddy , he had joined up , believing it would one day become the focus for a new alliance of Right-On movements , Now , more than a decade on , his dream was starting to come true and the new radical politics were about to be released on an unsuspecting populace — with mixed results .
27 Darwin accordingly opened his Notebook B , in July 1837 , with an integrated sequence of entries whose twenty-seven pages of argumentation were to match the structure of Lyell 's exposition of Lamarck .
28 Crowds of spectators were thronging the sides of the narrow road which led down from it into the village and , after Vitor had hurriedly found a parking place , they joined them .
29 Cultivators of roses were given the usual careful guidance .
30 Quite a lot , it appears from the matches in this group , the results of which are starting to bring back disturbing visions of those horrendous days under Eoin Hand , when the baleful gods of fortune were using the Republic 's aspirations as a kind of exclusive latrine .
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