Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [v-ing] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After returning home the night before , he had lain awake for hours thinking yet again about the day five weeks before when he and Sam had found the Spanish cockboat .
2 By ensuring the transmission of local versions of organizational ‘ common sense ’ ( that ‘ you 've got to include the minions , ’ as one wag had it ) these firms help to push the essential decision criteria and the wherewithal for decision making well down into the organization .
3 According to the Theory of Relativity , time passes more slowly for objects moving very swiftly ; thus a spacecraft moving at close to the speed of light would take more than 100,000 years to cross our Galaxy , as observed by the rest of us , but only a few years so far as its crew were concerned .
4 To be honest you 'd be better off instead of aiming for Watford going straight across .
5 Even allowing for O'Donovan doing half as much business , this would mean 3000 tonnes of toxic waste leaving Ireland a year .
6 ’ Increasingly the Regulation was being interpreted in a way which was much wider than intended with applications for review becoming ever more speculative .
7 After lunch going progressively easier , went back on to piste , sandy but rocky at bottom of tyre-tracks .
8 Undercutting , polishing and pitting up to about 3 m ( 10 ft ) confirms that wind has played at least an important part in their development , while their restriction to areas of erodible sandstone providing a large amount of material for sand blasting also strongly suggests the part played by the wind .
9 But in the mid-eighties it developed a line of kitchenware going completely over to this at Christmas .
10 I remember Mr Alan Clarke who was then minister of responsibility saying rather elliptically in the house of commons that the removal of blood hound did nothing to degrade Britain 's air defence .
11 But Corden , mindful that in football a firm show of boardroom backing so often heralds managerial upheaval , said : ‘ I 'm not going to give him a vote of confidence ! ’
12 This book grew out of an exploration of the roofed classical sites of classical antiquity from the point of view of an engineer the wooden roofing of course having long since disintegrated .
13 There remains , however , a wide range of views covering more obviously political aspects of the phenomena which could only be described together as ‘ elitist ’ if we accept that term as a residual category .
14 Faced with this failure to raise output through the wage rate , it became advantageous to the manufacturer to set up central spinning and weaving factories in order to reduce the rising cost of merchants travelling ever more extensively in search of additional putting-out workers .
15 Yeah that 's what we 're spending a lot of money doing as well .
16 ‘ We are talking about a minority of drivers behaving very foolishly and we have hardly made any impact on those people . ’
17 The deep silence was disturbed only by an occasional flurry of wind echoing strangely around unseen rock faces — the giant sighs of a sleeping mountain .
18 Locke attempted to explain epistemic appearances in terms of sensations leading so quickly on to judgements that we mistake the judgements for sensations .
19 But rigging and sails did , and once I was on deck , coiling and sorting the ropes and making notes of what I would need , I barely noticed anything else , time slipping by and my mind so concentrated on the job that I barely felt the wind force rising , small frozen particles of snow driving almost horizontally .
20 Then lay buckram on top , with bump sandwiched in between and with a 2.5 cm ( 1in ) border of fabric showing all round .
21 I am grateful for my hon. Friend 's comments , because the significant fact about St. Ivel 's sponsorship is that it is a perfect example of sponsorship working very well and of the use of the business sponsorship incentive scheme , which I just mentioned .
22 There are an increasing number of trusts concentrating either solely or mainly on European equities .
23 In an ideal playground , there 'd be a good selection of equipment covering as wide an age range as possible .
24 Blossoming projects died , leaving their lattices of unglazed steel and nebulae of rivets tumbling pointlessly about ‘ beyond the sky ’ .
25 They loved the sound of swishing the sheaves made as they were stooked , the clash of the tresses of hard grain against grain , the sight of the rich ears of corn leaning delicately out on the shoulders of the stooks .
26 I began to see that you might have a grain of truth lurking there somewhere , and the more I thought about it the more it made sense .
27 The library was large and , rather than hunt through the endless rows of volumes dating as far back as 1530 , she had sought the help of the librarian .
28 But despite fame arriving so suddenly , Zeelenberg remains disarmingly friendly , polite and relaxed .
29 The first symptoms which may be felt are hot flushes , night sweats , general anxiety and irritability , loss of self-esteem , insomnia , mood changes , poor memory , loss of confidence , loss of interest in sex and even formication ( the feeling of insects crawling just underneath or on top of the skin , probably caused by changes in the nerve endings ) .
30 Surprisingly the outcome is coherent and tuneful , with the strangle of guitars contrasting quite beautifully with the relaxed voice .
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