Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pers pn] [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 The second reason why the ozone layer is important is because through absorption it controls the amount of ultraviolet ( UV-B ) or erythemal solar radiation reaching the ground .
2 When Gandhi maintains that by means of prayer he invokes the divinity within himself it is evident that he draws no hard-and-fast distinction between the Self or Ātman within and God or Truth .
3 From a methodological point of view , Bortoni-Ricardo 's work is particularly interesting , because in developing these two types of index it extends the application of the network variable beyond an analysis of small closeknit groups to an analysis of the extent to which individuals have detached themselves from such groups .
4 A French tourist visiting England Locke 's case seems to be that the moment he steps on the territory of England he has tacitly agreed erm to obey the laws and in return erm of course he receives the protection of those laws .
5 And of course he tips the jar off eventually , and we have fill it up again !
6 Of course he worships the baby . ’
7 This also very good ear training and of course it multiplies the ways in which you can finger your licks .
8 It 's also the highest proportion of our oi erm production for these reasons and of course it has the greatest return pocket in that .
9 However sympathetic a care assistant you are , a sense of humour keeps you from picking up someone else 's stress — and of course it lightens the atmosphere .
10 The interest in CalMac is disproportionate to the size of its business ( 850 employees ) , the number of its customers ( mainly 29,370 inhabitants of the Western Isles , plus tourists ) or the amount of money it costs the exchequer : the company received a grant this year of £7.2m ( $12.7m ) , much the same as previous years .
11 Even in the city of bikes it seems the car has got the upper hand .
12 Even in the city of bikes it seems the car has got the upper hand .
13 It sees no problem with adding the Alpha architecture to the MIPS Computer Systems Inc and Intel Corp-based systems it currently offers , a trail that DEC is already blazing in any case , but it has to figure out whether and how it will be able to address the window of opportunity it reckons the industry is now creating with the latest round of hardware and software announcements , and of course , how deep it would have to dig into its back pocket .
14 He argues that if anyone questions the suitability of a designer as a captain of industry it displays the lack of understanding about the true nature of design that has plagued this country for many years .
15 If you are employed , is your boss getting the quality of labour he has the right to expect ?
16 In The Form of Living he charts the sacramental understanding at the heart of the Mass , as a whole way of life and perceived growth in consciousness ; his Meditations on the Passion engage with different stages of such growth and , indeed , are designed to act as catalysts for its progress .
17 The strength of neo-elitism is best seen against the background of pluralism ; as a critique of pluralism it introduces the concept of non-decision-making and points up the failure of pluralist methods to define properly what is meant by the term ‘ key issues ’ .
18 ‘ In this season of goodwill it shows the evil which people will plumb to murder , ’ said a policeman .
19 White in the gathering greyness of dusk he quarters the shrub by ground .
20 This religion concentrates upon a particular person , Jesus of Nazareth , but in its definition of God it describes the divine being as a Trinity — that is to say three persons .
21 When love comes to a man in the form of grace he has the assurance that he is accepted , and is thereby enabled to experience self-integration once more , and the feeling of being reunited with others .
22 Complexed with GTP it carries the aminoacyl-tRNA to the A site of the ribosome·mRNA·peptidyl-tRNA complex ; upon hydrolysis of GTP it leaves the ribosome as EF-1α·GDP .
23 In her book Texts of Terror she considers the stories of four women of the Hebrew scriptures who are subjected to terror ; rape , murder and dismemberment at the hands of men .
24 From force of habit he banishes the garlic and adds sliced truffles .
25 In The Fire of Love he pinpoints the experience witnessed to by all mystics of a strenuous inner effort which although it is the precondition of contemplative experience can not actually produce it .
26 In a warm blizzard of drowsiness he watches the snow sud and curdle over the roofs and spires of the New Town , mounting up the slope of Old Odborough , up the hill of the Main Street , till it reaches Mount Pleasant .
27 With a salary of £24,300 she has the highest paid curatorial job in Suffolk , a county of 622,000 people and , incidentally , the birthplace of Constable and Gainsborough .
28 South of Leek it follows the towpath of the Caldon Canal through the Churnet Valley .
29 More fundamental doubts about the war were expressed by Richard de Bury Bishop of Durham in his Philobiblion , where he said that ‘ war , wanting discretion of reason , furiously attacks whatever falls in its way , and not being under the guidance of reason it destroys the vessels of reason ’ , and he beseeched ‘ the ruler of Olympus and the most high Dispenser of all the world , that he may abolish war , establish peace , and bring about tranquil times under his own special protection ’ .
30 Iraq seems in no hurry to repay the billions of dollars it owes the Gulf Arabs for money received during the war ; and the Gulf Arabs seem in no hurry to ask .
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