Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [art] [adj] 's " in BNC.

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1 In this they suffered from the same defects as the streltsy , the small force of regular infantry originally set up during Ivan the Terrible 's reign .
2 After Alexander the Great 's victories in the near East towards the end of the fourth century B.C. , Greek became a common tongue over a wide area .
3 All that remains of Herod the Great 's Temple is a course of huge stones where the Jews meet daily for prayer .
4 The last summer season of excavation at the palace site within ancient Caeserea , on the Israel coast just south of modern Haifa , uncovered pottery deposits earlier than previously known , which reinforce the theory that this was one of Herod the Great 's palaces .
5 He , as well as Anne and Joan herself , was of Plantagenet stock , being a descendant of Edward the Third 's son Lionel , through the female line .
6 Richard Duke of Gloucester , the late king 's soldierly youngest brother , was at his castle of Middleham in Yorkshire when he received news of Edward the Fourth 's death .
7 The appointment of a Benedictine abbot as chief adviser to the king was sufficiently unusual to call to mind Benedict of Aniane 's position in the early years of Louis the Pious 's reign .
8 Such growth is documented before the reign of Charles the Bald : the polyptych of St-Victor Marseilles dates from the later years of Charlemagne 's reign , that of St-Germain ( probably ) from the earlier part of Louis the Pious 's .
9 We are back in the area of Peter the Great 's reforms .
10 ‘ We ’ , the provincial society , display all the loose-end symptoms of Peter the Great 's reforms — though Dostoevsky 's overt theorizing about Peter gets left behind in the notebooks .
11 Word of Peter the Great 's skilful physicians had spread throughout Europe and Asia , and in 1715 the Emperor of China sent an Ambassador to Peter asking that an able physician be sent to his palace at Peking .
12 One aspect of Peter the Great 's reforming energy in the early eighteenth century , which had an indirect effect on the population dynamics of Siberia , was his massive use of convict and forced labour on his gigantic construction projects in European Russia , in particular the building of St Petersburg , the digging of canals and the fortification of new ports and harbours , like Rogervik , on the Baltic .
13 The ‘ Lamuts ’ ( Even Tungus ) of the Okhotsk region fought hard to preserve their freedom , while in Kamchatka the Itelmens , whose conquest did not begin until the early eighteenth century , were subjected to genocidal slaughter by troops using the up-to-date weapons of Peter the Great 's military machine : muskets and hand grenades .
14 At about the same time he began buying copyrights : the first book to bear his imprint was an edition of Horace 's Lyrics , published in 1653 ; the first copyright he registered with the Stationers ' Company was a translation by Sir Kenelm Digby [ q.v. ] of Albert the Great 's Treatise Adhering to God , entered 19 September 1653 .
15 On the facts of Lawrence the accused 's conviction for theft was upheld even though the victim intended to transfer property .
16 While some DOCOMOMO delegates were tough-minded Modern enthusiasts , mindful of Frederick the Great 's famous exhortation to his wavering guardsmen : ‘ Do you want to live forever ? ’ ; others were out and out conservationists , desperate to get their hands on another endangered species to save .
17 Sir Kenelm Digby , philosopher-scientist , soldier-diplomat , ardent royalist , lifelong friend and confidant of Charles the First 's widow , Queen Henrietta Maria , was born in 1603 and died in 1664 .
18 It just so happens that this region includes the heartland of Charles the Bald 's kingdom .
19 Dhuoda and Nithard wrote at the very beginning of Charles the Bald 's reign : Nithard believed the young king showed promise , Dhuoda that this generation of Carolingians were predestined by God to rule , and with His help would shine forth in their success .
20 In the reigns of Charles the Bald 's predecessors , the count 's first main function was to look after royal estates ( fisc-lands ) and royal income ( for instance from tolls and fines ) within his county .
21 For the most part , the political history of Charles the Bald 's reign which is this book 's prime focus was the concern of an aristocratic elite .
22 Walter Map , reflecting on the changed character of French kingship in the twelfth century , saw the period between Louis the Pious 's reign and the accession of his namesake Louis VI as one of deep depression , with 1108 marking a decisive turning-point .
23 The marriage between Robert the Pious 's daughter and the count of Nevers brought obvious political gain to the king because it strengthened the royal hold upon Burgundy ; the count on the other hand gained only temporary advantage , and subsequent generations in Nevers made little of their royal connection .
24 The November itinerary includes stretching subjects such as Catherine the Great 's gluttony for collecting , and the buying power and tastes of superstars and millionaires .
25 Their interest has been titillated by occasional manuscripts said to come from Ivan the Terrible 's library , which have periodically come to light in Moscow .
26 If the changes set in train in Ivan the Terrible 's reign recast secular society , the impact upon the Church was no less momentous .
27 In so far as Anselm had a policy as archbishop beyond the pastoral duties outlined in Gregory the Great 's Regula Pastoralis , the defence of the Canterbury primacy formed its foundation and the legislation of his two primatial Councils were its crowning achievement .
28 In July the Southern 's south-east , central and south-west divisions were abolished , new passenger business manager posts created and a reduced number of area manager posts ( but each with increased responsibility ) set up .
29 There is no direct evidence at all as to even which year Charlemagne was born ; in Louis the Pious 's case , the year ( but not the exact date ) of birth was recorded by the Astronomer , his anonymous biographer , because Louis was exceptional as the survivor of a pair of twin boys .
30 These losses , politically damaging , and bad for morale ( they were seen in Louis the Pious 's entourage as divine retribution on former rebels ) , weakened Lothar 's resistance to his father 's pressure .
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