Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] time in " in BNC.

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1 We think that such a duty is imposed by law ; and on consideration of the Statute of Elizabeth , l and of the cases which have been decided on this subject , we are all of the opinion that a party can not maintain an action for compensation for loss of time in attending a trial as a witness .
2 We think , on principle , that an action does not lie for a compensation to a witness for loss of time in attendance under a subpoena .
3 Pioneer attempts to relate temporal diversity changes to plate tectonics were undertaken by Valentine & Moores ( 1972 ) and Flessa & Imbrie ( 1973 ) , while the relationship of changing patterns of endemism through time in relation to plate movements was outlined by Hallam ( 1974 ) .
4 High among the bright snows of the Crystal Mountain , cut off from the immediate claims and responsibilities of life in time in the twentieth century , Matthiessen experiences a joy at the heart of the created order to which he belongs , a oneness with it .
5 The research was concerned with that common complaint of lack of time in school to do all that is required .
6 How he could do so at all is something beyond our finite comprehension , and the full significance of the intersection of eternity with time in Jesus is only grasped along with the awareness that it is beyond our power to understand or explain .
7 As for changes over time in spatial disparities within the EC other than those generated by the accession of new members , Boltho ( 1989 ) demonstrates that from 1950 onwards there has been some reduction in the degree of regional income imbalance .
8 Historians would be likely to ‘ mine ’ this resource in different ways , examining it with change over time in mind and linking credit transaction data or travel information with say medical records or socio-economic groups .
9 As we have seen , the Conservative Party made much , prior to the ‘ 79 General Election , of the increase in crime during time in office of the 1974–79 Labour Government .
10 First , the in-flight schedule is sometimes arranged in accord with time in your departure zone .
11 We find allusive reference to it from time to time in Leonard 's writings and songs — always with a frisson of awe .
12 To a very large extent this is what Ashton does in A Month in the Country where the non-dancers speak out from time to time in explicit gestures .
13 From time to time in Ancient Near Eastern literature we find protest made against such conventions .
14 For , among other reasons , Turks did not fit into a Zuwaya genealogy ; in theory , it is possible to find all forty shaikhs who appeared from time to time in Zuwaya stories in a genealogy ( although it is only anthropologists who are sufficiently naive to ask which men were the victims and where did they fit in lists of ancestors ) .
15 But the publication of these magazines was of course very demanding both in time and money and several faded away in the following decade , to be revived from time to time in spasmodic bouts of enthusiasm .
16 Even this pleasure was rendered impure , since , as we had no heating in our bedrooms , we were forced into the family sitting-room , and felt , out of courtesy , obliged to join from time to time in the general conversation — a pursuit not very rewarding to either party .
17 It causes ‘ thrush ’ , which is an infection of mucous membranes occurring from time to time in young children , characterized by white patches developing in the mouth .
18 There are many other more common causes of aortic incompetence , including rheumatic fever , but cases of syphilitic aortic-valve disease still turn up from time to time in this country , albeit rarely .
19 The view that the Lord 's Day is essentially the Jewish Sabbath — a ‘ taboo ’ day — transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week found expression from time to time in medieval law and theology .
20 They would have to honour their homework commitments and take part from time to time in residential field trips and work experience courses .
21 I understand that this figure will be reviewed from time to time in the light of inflation .
22 At initial enrolment all students shall sign an undertaking to comply with the Charter , Statutes , Ordinances and Regulations of the University as are from time to time in force .
23 Students who are provisionally enrolled are subject to the Charter , Statutes , Ordinances and Regulations of the University as are from time to time in force .
24 ‘ I undertake , as a Student of the University , to comply with the Charter , Statutes , Ordinances , Regulations and Rules of the University as are from time to time in force ’ .
25 Revolutions occur from time to time in nearly every field of science , and I believe that such a revolution is occurring in medicine — largely through the impact of complementary medicine .
26 It is never a good idea to sit for long periods but , if this is essential , get up from time to time in order to move the body .
27 This atmosphere will ultimately emerge as something of immense value when ‘ the kindly light of reason ’ finally sweeps away all the incredible and stifling nonsense , which has been introduced from time to time in futile attempts to counter the inexorable demand that reason and common sense shall ultimately triumph , and replace superstition and blind senseless faith .
28 At one stage of the race there were runners on every part of the route , the continuous line winding its way over the fell like a colourful , sinuous snake , disappearing from time to time in the swirling mists .
29 He had seen Hugo from time to time in the intervening years ; he knew from Hugo 's cousin Christian that his former tutor had fallen on hard times .
30 But there are certain feelings and reactions in bereavement that are common to much of the animal kingdom , including the human race , and all who are caring for the bereaved need to be aware of them , as well as being ready to accept the tremendous range of responses that people can produce from time to time in their efforts to deal with their painful situation .
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