Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Both men made for the Mediterranean eventually , for reasons which may have involved a respite from British miseries and injustice .
2 The interviewer is trying to find out if you left your last job for reasons which could pose similar problems if you came to work with his/her firm .
3 However , for reasons which will appear later , we have replaced the σ 3 -row with the implicit x 3 -row ( making the σ 3 -row implicit ) .
4 For reasons which will appear it is necessary first to refer to the legislation affecting the taxation of benefits in kind before 1975 .
5 for reasons which will become clear in due course , I prefer not to specify which one .
6 For reasons which will become clear subsequently we will refer to P1 as problem 0 .
7 Eadmer has left an exceptionally full account of the Easter Council at St Peter 's in April 1099 ; and for reasons which will become apparent later , this was his last full-scale account of any great event in Anselm 's life .
8 For reasons which will become apparent in due course , it is necessary to restrict the type of sentence used in the definition .
9 For reasons which will become apparent , I will not provide more than a brief overview of this approach .
10 Then the matrix product has components C is known as the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor for reasons which will become apparent later .
11 It will not escape notice that , first , this question enquires about the verb and the adjective together , not the adjective alone ; and , second , this is precisely the form of question that can be used for a single , unmodified transitive verb : ( 9 ) Lionel shredded the memoranda what did Lionel do to the memoranda ? 5.2 For reasons which will become apparent , we shall call the adjectives in this structure adverbal adjectives .
12 The set of all polynomials with coefficients in Q will , for reasons which will emerge in Section 1.8 , be denoted , as usual , by Q[x] .
13 It is worth formalising the situation , for reasons which will emerge later .
14 For reasons we shall see in a moment , discount houses are always prepared to buy such bills .
15 For reasons we shall look at in Chapter 9 , it proved almost impossible to limit monetary growth to these target ranges and yet inflation still fell .
16 The famous photograph of the 72-year-old Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue at the camera inspired an Australian film-maker who ( for reasons he may come to regret ) has adopted the name of Yahoo Serious to make Young Einstein ( PG ) , a mock-heroic biopic dedicated to ‘ the genius rebel with a clowning sense of humour ’ .
17 But a sophisticated pragmatist might nevertheless be tempted , for reasons he would believe fully respectable , to disguise these attenuations .
18 The only popular spectator sport , as opposed to game , is professional boxing although for reasons I shall come to later , the only sportsmen involved are those backing the contenders and not the participants themselves .
19 If they are equating punishment with the wider range of non-physical penalties , however , I would not agree ( for reasons I will explain later ) .
20 Besides , for reasons I will come to shortly , the name Argol was familiar to me .
21 Gould would also have angled for contacts who might help him with his prospective expedition .
22 Competitive Bowling : Having developed a taste for bowling you may wish to consider bowling in a league .
23 As chairman you can make or break the meeting by rewarding the wrong kind of behaviour by participants .
24 Courses at first-year level are available both for beginners who can show proficiency in Latin or a modern European language ( Greek 1A ) and for those who have already obtained a pass in SCE Higher or GCE A-level ( Greek 1B ) .
25 Some present detailed programmes for change which will require legislation , for instance , legislation to improve the levels of pension and older people 's access to employment .
26 Under Options for Change we could see there was going to be a reduction in defence expenditure .
27 As camouflage they must obtain local clothing .
28 The problem for capitalism was that this rule was always problematic because of the pressure from the working class and non-monopoly capital for policies which would question the interests of monopoly capital .
29 ( For parallels one must wait till the hellenistic age , when again citizens step in to underwrite their impoverished cities . )
30 If this is the case , check what materials there are — you might be able to make suggestions to your students about programmes they would find interesting to watch .
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