Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pron] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
2 The Corn Is Green was to be done on the new medium of television in 1946 and somehow Philip wangled leave of absence from the RAF for Richard who yet again played Morgan Evans and yet again was pulled back from the gypsy snares of freewheeling pleasure to the source and the purpose of it all .
3 Platey particles such as mica flakes may readily pass diagonally through meshes which more nearly spherical grains of identical intermediate diameters can not pass as a result of the length of their short diameters .
4 A ripple of glances round the room and the older man said : ‘ I guess that about wraps it up then . ’
5 Lord Chief Justice Lord Lane said P C Tom Cawley had already served 2 years for offences he certainly never committed , on fabricated evidence .
6 David Speedy 's goal enough to get all three points for Leicester and I think on the balance of play they just about edged it but Forest put up a marvellous performance in the second half especially when they had to make er changes and things did n't go well for them .
7 Only then was his black cat ( a participant in many of the rites ) ceremonially informed of his death , and his body reorientated towards the south-west — the " land of souls " — initiating a whole symphony of rituals which only now were coming to a head .
8 I think a lot of people are put off computing by the thought that it 's very technical and very difficult to get into , and I think in some ways it still is and there 's a sort of group of experts who rather jealously guard their knowledge , so in that sense , yes , they could short cut and remove skills that perhaps people should have .
9 Broadly speaking , they fell into two groups : those who identified with countries where right-wing totalitarianism was in power , such as Germany , Italy or Portugal ; and those who revered the kind of conservatism they most readily associated with the United Kingdom .
10 But she did know she was badly in need of a dose of sanity herself right now .
11 The AWB consists of equal numbers of employer and employee representatives , together with ‘ neutral ’ members appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture who almost invariably determine the awards .
12 And of course what very often happens these days , with such a high level of unemployment , is if it 's a fine that 's decided upon — and I think something like in three-quarters of the cases dealt with by Magistrates do end up with a fine — that it has to be scaled down because of the erm poor circumstance , poor financial circumstance in which the defendant is .
13 Of course they not only reflect ageism in society but help to reinforce it and make it acceptable .
14 Cheaper to us , erm the trouble with it is of course we never actually add it in .
15 ‘ Well of course it bloody well matters ! ’
16 Of course it bloody well hurts ! ’
17 Of course it only gradually came to mean all this to me through the succeeding years , through my memory of it .
18 Of course it damn well hurts ! ’ she shouted , tears welling up to mingle with the rain .
19 Of course I damn well have .
20 Of course I damn well am !
21 Of course I bloody well did .
22 ( Of course I bloody well did !
23 What does emerge beyond dispute is the primacy of large-scale cloth making as the great national industry and by far the most important export , leaving the rest more or less nowhere , as attested by the massive wealth of many clothiers and the prosperity — albeit a brittle one — of the workers in the major textile districts : high earnings in Suffolk and Gloucestershire at least resulting in a disposable surplus of income which not infrequently enabled artificers to accumulate sufficient goods for assessment , in contrast to agricultural labourers , who seldom had anything but their wages to be taxed on .
24 This word , together with ‘ in me ’ , appear in every quatrain serving to establish the very personal relationship of the two concerned , evoking an ambience of intimacy which so rightly suits the theme of old age and approaching death .
25 Local officials in Essex have reached agreements with three enterprises in the town of Harlow which not only regulate the use of temporary workers but also establish a list of its ( otherwise unemployed ) members who are available for temporary jobs .
26 In practical terms it means taking that course of action which most reliably will avoid the possibility of criticism by their superiors .
27 These neutral members were appointed by the Council of the League of Nations which therefore also had an interest in the treaty 's performance .
28 Both these instances are of verbal trickery , using a form of words which most often have one meaning but which , in strict logic , can have another .
29 A limitation of her analysis , deriving from its emphasis on aesthetics , and found also in some of the recent discussions of media and advertising , is a tendency to exaggerate the unique properties of the individual object , as against the type-token nature of words which almost always refer back to some generic category .
30 I think in terms of schools it only really applies to special schools , I think once y even in some of the small independents , once you get over about forty or fifty , then you 're gon na have enough contacts
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