Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Consideration for admission does not depend on the candidate 's likely specialisation since flexibility is preserved until a late stage in the course .
2 Despite initial SPD threats to block ratification , SPD leaders said on March 9 that their desire for improvements did not preclude approval of the treaty .
3 Then afraid he might have sounded gallant George added : ‘ Somebody 's got to make sure your military instinct for loot does n't take over . ’
4 Although the extra representation for zemstva did not arise out of St Petersburg 's enthusiasm for local government ( but out of the determination of central agencies to prevent any one of their number dominating the rest ) , it nevertheless ensured " a large dose of decentralization " in primary education and gave primary schools a better chance than they would have had otherwise .
5 The merchant seaman 's need for benevolence did not go entirely unnoticed in the eighteenth century .
6 Given that , at least in the first year of the new council tax , there will still be two-tier authorities in the shires , I hope that the Bill will be as tight as a drum to ensure that the tiered authorities that are not up for election do not use that freedom from the ballot box — as happened in Nottinghamshire with the poll tax — to wreck the council tax in the way that they wrecked the poll tax in its first year .
7 For these and other reasons , the empirical evidence on the demand for money does not provide conclusive evidence in support of the extreme versions of either of the two theories .
8 Value for money does not remove political judgment — it may well increase the emphasis on it .
9 A man who goes in for abduction does n't merit explanations , and neither , ’ she went on , warming to her subject , ‘ does anyone who can purloin other people 's property , quite deliberately and without conscience , have any right to spout morals at me . ’
10 Miracle cures for alcoholism did n't happen .
11 Conversely , the school tests for explicitness do not tell us very much about the exercise of multiple points of view .
12 But his search for pleasure did not stop there .
13 Yeah well they 're safety things for kids do n't like that Like this one though .
14 ( And four Los Angeles policemen beating a black man 56 times after stopping him for speeding does not count as better law enforcement . )
15 The state bank which provides the cash for roadworks does not pay out money until a project or part of it , is completed .
16 The purpose of these measurements was to ascertain through conscientious planning and medical surveillance that inadvertent exposure during spraying does not create any hazard to a rural population .
17 It does not , of course , follow that the radiation and extinction of the monophyletic units known as clades do not have deterministic explanations .
18 Now if we consult this record , and remember the success , in giving it its modern form , of a gallery of reformers of roughly utilitarian hue from Tom Paine , Bentham , J.S. Mill , and Tolstoy , to Bernard Shaw , Sidney and Beatrice Webb , and Evelyn Strachey , we might wonder why its provisions for animals do not embody more closely the ideals of that theory .
19 This had been proposed in an earlier draft which was condemned by journalists as seeking to introduce " curbs … such as journalists did not experience even in the days when the CPSU was all-powerful " .
20 The fee for burial does not include charges for grave-digging , which may be carried out by a parochial officer ( in which case the vicar sets the charge ) , or by a grave-digger hired by the funeral director .
21 Ironically , Gallacher 's capacity for tragedy did not leave him for long ; at the end of the game he was told his sister-in-law had died in Scotland , and as the tartan army led a ragtime jazz-band through the streets of London , Hughie Gallacher was on his way to the funeral .
22 The net six games after Oldham do n't contain a real toughie , so I think 13 points from them is about par .
24 The people looking after chickens do not identify with individual chickens and , as has been said already , very large numbers of animals should not be being looked after by very small numbers of people who have no incentive to treat them as individuals .
25 These data show , therefore , that the ability of the gastric mucosa to defend itself against noxious challenges depends on the integrity of its sensory innervation , whereas the rapid repair processes taking place after injury do not require an intact sensory innervation .
26 It is perhaps worth saying again that this argument for a rational basis for pedagogy does not imply that everything about good teaching can be reduced to what is rational .
27 Where the plaintiff 's damage is the result of more than one cause , the but for test does not appear to provide an answer to causation problems .
28 Another problem to consider is that if the people identified for transfer do not go , what happens to their career prospects ?
29 These data for countries do not reveal considerable underlying differences within countries .
30 Those who afterwards blamed Lambeth 1958 for platitudes did not know what they were talking about .
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