Example sentences of "[prep] [be] used [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , a recent innovation looks capable of being used throughout the mouth .
2 Mr Justice Sheil said it was sad and regrettable that both the poppy and shamrock , which were worn by both traditions with pride throughout the world and by many in Northern Ireland , were capable of being used in the prison as a means of provocation to other prisoners .
3 It is also dangerous for a tenant to rely on the provisions of s 62 as the section does not , for example , apply to services and , additionally , as the section takes effect from the date of the demise , it may not be easy to adduce evidence 15 years after the grant that the right complained of was used by the occupants when the lease was granted .
4 Far from being used by the producers , it is her insistence that there is no absolute link between salmonella in birds and its presence in eggs that has attracted supporters to her cause .
5 The weighbridge was formerly used to weigh in materials brought to the yard for storage before being used on the maintenance of the Lee & Stort Navigation .
6 These are compiled from the human-readable form in which they are written to an internal form , allowing Prolog unification to be used as the mechanism for passing information and rule application in each of morphology , parsing , interpretation , and selection filtering .
7 Measurements are ‘ objective ’ inasmuch as scientists agree on the thumb to be used as the ruler .
8 The body was to be dissected at a public lecture by Southwood Smith to be entitled ‘ The Structures and Functions of the Human Frame ’ , after which the skeleton was to be used as the armature of an image — an ‘ auto-icon ’ — of himself , to be attired in his own clothes and placed in University College .
9 I set the punchcard on lock and proceed as usual , select a group of needles to be used as the motif and push all others back to WP ( needles must be pushed back on every row ) .
10 The legacy is to be used as the trustees think fit . ’
11 Nylon wool mops to be used as the spawning medium were sterilized by boiling .
12 There are two elements to this initial use of symbolism : a representational imitation which derives from the early mode of direct imitations , and the new ludic mode which distorts the environment , changing the significance of a given external object , and permitting it to be used as the subject desires ( 1962 : 102 ) .
13 First , in circumstances where the post is expected to be used as the means of communication between the seller and the buyer , an acceptance takes effect when it is posted .
14 These models are then to be used as the basis of empirical investigations into labour and product market problems .
15 Choropleth maps using different colours to represent different levels of the mapped variable can be generated by specifying one of the 125 colours to be used as the area fill colour .
16 Although it can not be worked on , it will still be available to be used as the basis for a new DC ( at least until it has been hard copied ) .
17 Therefore , a form of " reverse engineering " is positively encouraged allowing the knowledge gained from an inspection of an existing topography to be used as the basis of a new topography .
18 Government accepted responsibility for keeping aggregate monetary demand at a level sufficient to ensure full employment or what was considered as far as possible to constitute full employment ( an unemployment rate of 1% or 2% was considered acceptable ) , and the annual Budget was to be used as the main instrument of economic policy .
19 Standard bobbins can not be used for E cores , since all three legs have to be used for the isolated topology .
20 Red tile set on edge was to be used for the centrepiece , Portland stone for the surround , brown pebble paving for an infill , blue and white pebbles to make a star design , white marble for the path through the pergola .
21 Robert Darby , 25 , a youth leader known as The General , and Leslie Thomas , 26 , were yesterday convicted at Southwark Crown Court of permitting premises to be used for the control and supply of drugs in relation to acid house parties .
22 Leslie Thomas , a leader of a gang that organised acid house parties in London , was jailed at the Old Bailey yesterday for five years and three months after being convicted in his absence of plotting to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
23 Thomas , of east London , plotted to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
24 Thomas , of the Isle of Dogs , east London , was found guilty of plotting to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
25 SHORTLY after the Russians invaded , the famous Barrandov Studios , in which so many world-class directors had worked , were to be used for the making of a film called Factory Of Illusions , in which a young and idealistic graduate of the Film Academy arrives to find well-known film-makers of the New Wave drinking and whoring instead of making films , and almost succumbs to counter-revolution himself .
26 But the term ‘ canon ’ was being used for the standard of authentic teaching given by the baptismal confession of faith well before it came to be used for the list of accepted books .
27 Churchill 's ‘ Mulberrys ’ , the artificial harbours to be used for the invasion , were constructed on the Gareloch , and capital ships by the dozen , aircraft carriers , cruisers , battleships and destroyers — all lay off the coasts of the west or sailed into the Clyde .
28 The scheme is designed for the younger ( less than 36 years old ) organic chemist , the funds to be used for the purchase of equipment , books and consumables , technical assistance , professional travel or any other activity directly related to the research being undertaken .
29 This second study differed only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus ( a light ) in the context that was to be used for the test .
30 Under the Act those executing a warrant are required ( not empowered ) to intercept all communications sent to or from one or more addresses specified in the warrant where the address in question is likely to be used for the transmission of communications to or from one particular person specified or described in the warrant .
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