Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The authorities accused the SDF of being sectarian and pro-Nigerian .
2 Clear beer is an extension of a general fad for see-through products , such as soft drinks , detergent and shampoo , that convey the image of being healthier and lighter .
3 In such an extreme climate , these cave dwellings have the distinct advantage of being cooler than surface structures in summer , and warmer in winter .
4 Parry is Robin Williams 's finest role , uniting his disparate selves — while avoiding the pitfall of being holier and hippier than thou .
5 They may give the impression of being lazy but founder member Iain Harvie says it 's more due to craftsmanship .
6 note in their study , topics are generally ‘ a reiteration of perennially discussed themes : the black matriarchy , the double bind of being black and female , and the relationship of black women to the feminist movement ’ ( 1985 : 35 ) .
7 Thus if x is round-shaped , or metal , say , x is not necessarily related to anything outside itself in virtue of being round-shaped or metal .
8 The elimination diet is fairly stringent , and there is a risk of being undernourished because milk-production makes heavy demands on your body .
9 Others discriminate against students on grounds of sexual orientation when they suspect them of being gay or lesbian ; others on class or a whole range of subjective , stereotypical responses to the unfamiliar .
10 Clearly , though , the description of being brown and round fits a table much more easily than it does wine .
11 I may say that despite my reputation of being trigger-happy where libel writs are concerned , I restrained him by all sorts of expedients .
12 So instead of being relaxed and content , he was tenser and less tolerant than ever .
13 Children 's toys , for example ( dolls or ‘ Action Man ’ ) , clothes ( pink for a girl , blue for a boy ) and names help to establish and define stereotypical patterns of behaviour associated with being male or female .
14 It had nothing to do with being Australian or English .
15 It 's got ta be better than work . ’
16 Thus the ‘ immigrants ’ and the ‘ refugees ’ together transformed the British urban environment from being monolingual and monocultural to being multilingual and multicultural .
17 There was nothing to be got from being disagreeable or testy .
18 There was no point in being sweet and understanding and breaking her heart all over again about it .
19 There 's nothing we can do except be brave and patient .
20 The teacher 's conduct has to be obscene or criminal before sterner measures are employed .
21 As an author , I expect reviewers to be honest and objective .
22 Nobody would pretend that raising an additional twenty five million pounds is going to be easy but time and again you have risen to the challenge .
23 Much more research is needed in this area , and it is mostly likely to be successful if finance theorists and corporate strategists collaborate .
24 The majority party want their leader to be successful and party loyalty is an important force within the British system .
26 The High Court in Edinburgh heard that an investment analyst with the stockbrokers Bell Lawrie White had received information from the chairman of the waste management and construction group , Shanks&McEwan , that profits were going to be lower than City expectations .
27 Pregnancy order tended to mediate the effect of maternal age , so that weight and height of infants tends to be lower where pregnancy order is high in relation to age ( see e.g. Omran , 1976 , p. 524 ) .
28 In such a time anyone who lacks the courage to be curious and questioning , the capacity to grow into new competencies , and the confidence to communicate and collaborate with others , is severely handicapped , and his or her educators are guilty of gross dereliction of duty .
29 Scientists from the British Association have stated that they have found no evidence showing organic food to be safer than food produced under conventional farming methods .
30 If , like me , you tend to sit on mountains of paper , and rely on your memory to root out a reference , then you will need to be strong and discipline yourself to filing items away as soon as you have finished with them , either in folders or binders or in cabinet or box file , depending on the amount of space you have available .
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