Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pron] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Oi , you lot , you 've got to give us a bit of because he 's the youngest here ,
2 If it moves 100,000 units , regardless of whether they 're the client-side Personal Editions or the Application Servers , by the end of its first fiscal year , it 'll be profitable .
3 The latter were incensed at what they regarded as hitting below the belt and retaliated with vicious shootings at policemen regardless of whether they were the men responsible .
4 The Arabic , for example , is ambiguous in respect of whether it is the copy or the itself that Yusuf Bali — who held the kadilik of Bursa for a time in the 840s-wrote ; and , on the evidence of the signature alone , it seems entirely possible that at some point , perhaps during his kadilik , he made a copy of the which Molla Husrev subsequently attested to be a true copy .
5 According to the hon. Member for Sedgefield , once a programme is introduced it must carry on for ever , regardless of whether it is the most effective way of achieving those aims .
6 This can lie done irrespective of whether it was the victim who brought the prosecution .
7 What is Liquin for and what is the difference between poppy oil and other oil materials ?
8 He said that it was more important than ever that all worked in financial services knew what their company stood for and it was the task of leaders to distil and instil company values .
9 ‘ How about if it was the only way you could save yourself losing every corporate customer you 've got ? ’
10 He 'd carry on as if nothing was the matter , though some days his face was grey with pain .
11 There was an odd sort of camaraderie about it all , as if we were the front-line troops in battle .
12 But on the other hand it also feels as if we were the defilers .
13 But they just stood there as if we were the odd ones not them , which when you come to think about it is dead right .
14 We all trooped in , two by two , as if we were the animals going into Noah 's bloody ark .
15 as if we were the first visitors here .
16 as if we were the gods who made and left them .
17 As a fair-minded man , you must accept that women are treated as if they are the sole cause of illegitimacy .
18 As the Tory Party debated the ‘ make-believe gangsters strolling about the streets as if they are the monarchs of all ’ , the conference hall rang with an entirely familiar pattern of complaints and accusations : ‘ the leniency shown in the past by the Courts of this country ’ ; the ‘ lack of parental control , interest and support ’ ; the ‘ sex , savagery , blood and thunder ’ in films and television ; and the ‘ smooth , smug and sloppy sentimentalists who contribute very largely to the wave of crime ’ so that young people were ‘ no longer frightened of the police , they sneer at them ’ .
19 However , when they are separated from a Sunday morning congregation in a Sunday School they can easily be made to feel as if they are the Church of tomorrow .
20 Sometimes , to show that learning is not forgotten , the two terms are run together in the phrase ‘ teaching and learning ’ , as if they are the same kind of activity with similar aims .
21 His lands are seized and the monks at Glastonbury bullied as if they are the inmates of some prison . ’
22 If a husband and wife are the adopters they have the same rights as against one another , and as against the adopted child , as if they were the child 's natural father and mother .
23 The closest I ever got to you was when we went for a spin on your motor bike , with me like a ravished flapper on the pillion , legitimately clinging to your lissom waist , to those two wonderful hip-bones I loved to hold , as if they were the very hinges of heaven , whose wind blew your hair back into my ecstatic face :
24 The Euro institutionalists see Japan and the United States as if they were multi-national companies rather than countries , and they seem to be trying to respond in kind , as if they were the directors of Europe Ltd .
25 When he took up his pen again , it was as if he had assumed the annihilating impact of that wave : his books , he said , ‘ must be read as if they were the books of a dead man ’ .
26 She then asks what kind of day each has had , telling them to answer as if they were the other .
27 The manager(s) must be natural person(s) , or , if so permitted in the member state of registration , a company which designates individuals whose details are then filed as if they were the managers and who then have similar obligations .
28 His words emerged from silence , as if they were the first words of the evening .
29 People often mention ‘ metal whiskers ’ as if they were the only kind but , as a matter of fact , metal whiskers are less common and less interesting than whiskers of non-metals and it is about these latter that we shall mostly talk .
30 Thus the form of dominant ideas is to express social relations in terms of the interests of the dominant classes as if they were the common interest .
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