Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pron] [verb] this " in BNC.

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1 I 've moved back into and er I 'd just like to say I 'm sure on behalf of all of you and the people of that we see this as a tremendous move and thank you for the work you 've put in .
2 shall we just look at er item four on one , five , three , because this is er sent out on the seventeenth of June eighty five , right , see that at page one , five , two , and it says at four the service charge , the estimated service charge for these flats for the year ending thirty one August eighty five is and then the flats are set out there , three hundred and eighty two , five , seven , five and seven , six , four , that 's all in respect of because we know this was an flat , we can see that from page one , five , two , but when , whether or not the brochure is updated when that letter goes out to their solicitors , have you seen other similar letters of this sort going out ?
3 If you are using MS-DOS 5 , it will keep the information necessary to un-format the file , regardless of whether you want this or not .
4 The partial pressure of component a is given by the ideal gas equation as If we repeat this for all the components and substitute these expressions into equation ( 7 ) we obtain By combining equations ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) we obtain The quantity is known as the mole fraction of component a .
5 The road cut a swath through the centre of the belt of trees , and as the gig passed between them they seemed to menace , arms grotesquely waving , as if they resented this intrusion through their territory .
6 I could hear her breath go , as if she knew this was the beginning of the end .
7 She used to ring Otto at his office , rather as if she felt this experience had some professional interest to Otto .
8 ‘ It sounds as if she wanted this house more than she wanted him , ’ Lucy mused , knowing that if she herself loved a man she 'd be happy to live in any humble abode .
9 But Lumberjack was running alongside him now , a serious expression on his face , as if he saw this as a real test of stamina .
10 He reddened slightly as if he thought this a bold remark .
11 It was as if he needed this quality of attention to be fixed upon him in order to be completely silent .
12 This perhaps represents Owen 's line of thought with him becoming more and more emotional to the middles of the verse , reaching climaxes and then , as it is as if he questions this freely running thought process , and he limits himself to so much emotion by the end of each verse .
13 Dear God , as if I needed this complication !
14 It , it 's a case of what she 's letting herself in for if we strike this out .
15 somebody says get cups down , they were filled , no full of drink like and I get this fella this cup with no handles oh no that 's the dog 's cup
16 But that was what you put up with if you wanted this entity called Fleetwood Mac to continue . ’
17 He jingled his car keys and said in a quieter voice : ‘ Has this anything to do with whether you keep this house or not ? ’
18 He might also be likened to Montgomery , in that he judged this ‘ definitive effort ’ could not take place until there was certainty of success ; until the attacking force had three-to-one superiority .
19 One of my constituents that I read in the newspaper about the erm , the green way in which the party should be moving , and said that erm , he would like me to express my disquiet to and I thought this , perhaps this would be quite a useful place to his disquiet , but Council tax money is being spend on this sort of erm , work when there are far more urgent erm , services needed in the County , and he would much rather have the highways , er , money from , which is now going into the Environment to go into highways , erm , so as er , Chairman council , I 'm passing his comments on to you , through this committee .
20 This man came up to and he heard this chains .
21 No , do n't want to till you move this !
22 ask you to while I read this the the six companies where we market our brochures or product
23 It is not uncommon for different members of the same court to be in agreement as to the contents of the procedural duty , but to differ as to whether they describe this as resulting from natural justice or fairness .
24 This third criterion is related to whether you feel this new person is friend or foe .
25 What they seem to do instead here is to stress the importance of certain areas , and de-emphasise others , depending on whether they think this will gain them votes or not .
26 But the new figures cast doubt on whether anything approaching this amount will actually be spent .
27 On the other side of the coin , the grounds maintenance service is very highly rated at and we have this interesting shared contr cu campus with Sheldon , where I think the District Council D S O is cutting Sheldon 's grass , and the County Council D S O have been cutting and you 'll be able to walk along the divide and see which looks better I suppose , after a bit .
28 What remains uncertain is whether consciousness is a separate phenomenon which needs explaining , like language or vision , or whether it is simply an attribute of certain neural processes in the same way as high reflectance is an attribute of the piece of paper you are looking at while you read this , something which is simply part of the physical characteristics of the brain or the paper .
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