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1 A limitation of our study is that we had baseline data on smoking for only a few of the subjects and could not completely control for the potentially confounding effects of cigarette smoking .
2 But let me tell you now about just a few of those entries which did not make it to the final but which , nevertheless , had several redeeming features .
3 The clinic , has been operating here at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford for a year on a trial basis — one of only a few in the Country .
4 Examination of just a few of these underlines the channelling and legitimating role which law plays in particular types of commercial activity .
5 This document provides a brief account of just a few of the important discoveries and medical advances which have been achieved as a result of such work , discoveries and advances which have benefited animals as well as people .
6 The discovery of even a few of these objects could tell us much about the early history of the Solar System , perhaps more than we would learn from the elusive ( or illusory ) Planet X. Gerald D. Quinlan is at the Lick Observatory , University of California , .
7 He also owned a large number of works of Elizabethan and Jacobean literature , of quite a few of which the unique surviving copy is his own .
8 Done quite a wee bit and I 've been there at a few of their , quite a few of their meetings and erm a good friend of quite a few of the councils .
9 In hard rock the edge soon became dull , and the drilling of one sufficient hole could require the use of quite a few of these drills which had to be carried by the miner to his place of work , even though that might entail climbing hundreds of feet of pit ladder .
10 Certainly in that plain , square classroom there would be bright , quick minds behind not a few of those dirty faces , and budding abilities , potential , which she — with so much leisure and ease and money — could surely discover ?
11 The sauropods instead had teeth in the front with only a few at the sides .
12 He reported that all of the formerly rampant vegetation on Krakatoa had now been destroyed , with only a few of the thicker tree-trunks still rising above the thick mantle of ash , and that there were now three major eruption columns carrying clouds of dust and pumice high into the air , escaping from three separate vents .
13 In terms of the stage of the disease , the majority were Dukes ' stage B ( 35% ) or C ( 33% ) , with only a few in Dukes ' stage A ( 12% ) .
14 Look at plants from all angles to determine how they can be used — maybe you could remove the petals and make a smaller flower with just a few of them ?
15 This artificial ash cliff is perhaps one of their last strongholds have also found refuge around our fire stations , protected from tramping feet and sheltered from chemical sprays these rare plants thrive in the damp salty margins alongside the ash lagoons all this within the boundaries with just a few of the country 's coal fired power stations but the need for sea walls of other coastal stations merely intake pipes to the coaling system , another world teams this is not a plant , fan worms have flowerlike mouth parts used to filter food from the sea water other worms use just two sticky tentacles to catch food shrimps forage over closely packed sea the delicate bodies of these printed vertebrates work as tiny water pumps , pulling water in one hole and pumping it through the other here two barnacles feed in the gentle flow of water over the cooling pipes from the station Marine life quickly packs the underwater structures and is about to become too thick and sometimes affect the performance of the machinery barnacles belong to the same family as crabs and lobsters , but being in their adult life standing on their head which is fixed to the concrete they use their feet to filter the water and kick food into their mouths but if they ca n't move , how do they get there so quickly in the first place ?
16 Thus studies which , for example , have involved showing subjects a series of slides with just a few of them being arousing , e.g. autopsy slides ( Kramer , Buckhout , Fox , Widman & Tusche , 1991 ) or disfigured faces ( Christianson & Nilsson , 1984 ) , have shown impairments in memory for paired associates to the arousing stimulus or anterograde amnesia for subsequent slides .
17 It is thought that up to 48 SAAF aircraft could be converted , with just a few of the original piston-engined airframes being held for museum use .
18 The simple go/no-go transistor tester described in April 's EE seems to have been popular with quite a few of our readers and several of you have written with specific queries concerning the circuit used .
19 But I find this with quite a few of the young ones .
20 Erm yeah , we had a nodding acquaintance with quite a few of them , and I think they they were aware of who we were .
21 Even if an establishment is suffering from only a few of the above problems , the cost penalties can remain extremely high .
22 Heads it 's Spring … a lovely display of Easter bonnets from just a few of the 25 children who took part in a magnificent parade at the Sally Ann Playgroup , Amery Street , Alton on Friday morning .
23 Any of my old school friends in Wallingford that know me er well they 'll just never believe that I can run 26 miles because I do n't know if when you were at school , but when er when we used to have a cross-country run I was the one at the back and usually the P E instructor used to go round and whack us with a slipper , you know the slow ones and I was unfortunately one of those , but er now I 've been running with the Bicester Road Runners for what 2 years , er half , I 've done a few half marathons , nothing anywhere near 26 miles , I 've , my furthest run until yesterday was 16 miles , and yesterday , injured , with a bandage round my knee , I managed 18 miles , and I 'm pleased to say it 's still holding out and I 'm quietly confident that I 'm going to complete this , and like I say , if I can er well , just get the local businesses in Bicester interested and to support me , I say however small , just a , you know , if they , a penny a mile from just a few of the businesses in Bicester and , well , the Bible school could have , you know , a few pounds coming to them , which I 'm sure they 'd be , you know , greatly received .
24 This is in contrast to most potential anti-viral agents , whose action is usually restricted to only a few of the many different types of viral agents that cause disease .
25 If 1 have concentrated on just a few of these predictions this is , in part , because several of those neglected are not unique to the conditioned attention theory and are readily accommodated by its rivals .
26 There were a lot of mad parties — I 'd be invited to quite a few of them , and people were walking around a lot of the time saying : ‘ Hey man , I 'm an orange … . ’
27 Like everyone else even remotely connected with the Hochhauser Season ( and over the years she had listened to quite a few of Uncle Willi 's stories ) she had accepted the image of Gesner the seducer , the monster of conceit , the arrogant and selfish star of the company .
28 It was over for quite a few of our friends and neighbours .
29 Many types of pelargoniums make splendid plants for summer bedding and patio planting , in particular the Irenes , many of the coloured leaved and other zonals , ivy-leaved and scented varieties plus even a few of the regals .
30 That is a far off mystic goal , perhaps , but let us at least attempt to stretch our minds , looking briefly at just a few of these cycles , and of the indispensable parts they have to play in the maintenance of planetary life .
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