Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Their first goal was down to a mistake and the second was so easy for them it defies belief .
2 Charles I sold the manor to the City of London in 1628 to raise finance , after which it changed hands several times until the Bethell family of Rise held it through most of the 17th and 18th centuries .
3 The board holds the funds in escrow for five years , during which it releases amounts only for attorney 's fees , and in some cases , for expenses incurred in earning the literary income .
4 However , in 1990 the government launched a full-scale economic restructuring package for which it sought World Bank support .
5 The problem with the Met service can swiftly be seen by studying the list of 42 airfields for which it offers TAFs , above .
6 The company , which has four US and four European offices , has branched out further and has now established an Asia-Pacific operation for which it chose Singapore .
7 6.2 Each centre has received a proforma showing the courses for which it presented candidates in session 1988–89 .
8 Traditionally , the data processing department has been an organisational entity — independent of all the user departments for which it processes information .
9 Often Asian women coming from joint families in the Indian subcontinent to join their husbands in Britain do succeed in making the necessary emotional adjustment , but for many of them it takes months if not years ; for some coping with the total emotional dependence on the husband alone is just not possible .
10 That class qualifies as a species because all the members will breed with other members of the class , but not with plants from outside the class ; but there would be no justification for saying that the class also represented a genus and a family , if the larger taxonomy of which it forms part did not exhibit branching at these levels .
11 We may define a social movement , in broad terms , as a collective endeavour to promote or resist change in the society of which it forms part ; l but this statement needs to be qualified in some way if we are to retain a clear distinction between a ‘ movement ’ and a ‘ party ’ .
12 Example 4:1 Clause preventing landlord from charging VAT in the event that the landlord elects to waive any exemption from value added tax in relation to the demised property or the building of which it forms part , no value added tax shall be added to the rent reserved by this lease Example 4:2 Clause preventing landlord from waiving exemption from VAT ( 1 ) not to elect to waive any exemption from VAT in relation to the demised property or the building of which it forms part ( 2 ) on any assignment of the whole or part of the reversion expectant on this lease , or the grant of any concurrent lease of the whole or part of the property , to procure that the assignee or lessee gives a covenant in the terms of this clause
13 Example 4:1 Clause preventing landlord from charging VAT in the event that the landlord elects to waive any exemption from value added tax in relation to the demised property or the building of which it forms part , no value added tax shall be added to the rent reserved by this lease Example 4:2 Clause preventing landlord from waiving exemption from VAT ( 1 ) not to elect to waive any exemption from VAT in relation to the demised property or the building of which it forms part ( 2 ) on any assignment of the whole or part of the reversion expectant on this lease , or the grant of any concurrent lease of the whole or part of the property , to procure that the assignee or lessee gives a covenant in the terms of this clause
14 It stated that Karelia 's constitution and laws took precedence over those of the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union , but that some of Karelia 's state powers were voluntarily delegated to Russia , of which it remained part .
15 Newmill-1 followed in 1971 and reached 6500 ft in the Lower Permian Sandstone , near the top of which it encountered traces of gas ; further traces were found in the Sherwood Sandstone .
16 When Cooper lobbied government to get rid of him it persuaded M.P.s that Cooper just had a bee in bonnet and was not to be taken seriously .
17 Likud has consistently argued that it wants to deal only with local inhabitants of what it calls Judea and Samaria ( the West Bank and Gaza ) .
18 The world price of tin collapsed in 1985 , plummeting to less than half of what it costs Bolivia to mine it .
19 The JUSTICE report , A Proposal for a Suitors ' Fund , advocates a more radical reform by suggesting that public funds should be used to indemnify litigants against ‘ faults in the system ’ amongst which it included appeals on fact or law .
20 Buckinghamshire Social Services would n't comment on this particular boy , but did point out that in cases like his it shares responsibility with the parents …
21 The door is closed to new members , and the membership protects itself against what it calls Proliferation with wire , guns , attack dogs , certainly , but above all with a suffocating cloak of secrecy .
22 The Commission issued a warning on Nov. 16 , for the first time , against what it called price-fixing by banks on interest rates-having frequently intervened over the commissions charged by banks on non-banking business .
23 This chapter deals with two distinct aspects of the relationship between a firm and the persons with whom it does business .
24 It was an English union , based in London and not affiliated to the STA , with whom it had dealings only within the NPKTF .
25 The real threat of hypocrisy to the Christian community , as indeed to all others , is the impenetrability with which it conceals evil .
26 The bee-eater 's beak is slender and apparently delicate , a pair of slim forceps with which it plucks bees and other insects from the air .
27 Where the English Law Society is introducing measures to ‘ alert the profession to the gravity with which it considers matters of discrimination , ’ its Scottish counterpart recently observed that ‘ guidance or rules ( on discrimination ) for the legal profession are not necessary . ’
28 The department is closely linked with the Royal Observatory with which it shares accommodation and world class research facilities .
29 But now the frequency with which it hits waves will be higher , since it is travelling towards the source of the waves .
30 Part of the reason why the shareholders had to wait so long for a return was that the original capital had been only 10,000 guineas , and the Company financed itself by fairly short-term loans from the merchants with which it did business , so the shareholders stood at the end of a long line of creditors but could expect substantial returns on their money in the end if the Company survived .
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