Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 During more than 20 years in the food machinery business , I was a frequent traveller to the USA , and one of the fringe benefits for me was to go along to the tool department of the local Sears Roebuck store .
2 Well yeah , I do n't think any of them are going up one this time .
3 A lot of them are going out of the area , but I think er I 'd imagine that a large majority or a a large proportion certainly would wish to stay in .
4 I do n't know what was going on out there , both of them were going out there .
5 So I flipped some cattle from the farm of and right between Egilsay and Rousay just a short distance , oh maybe a quarter of a miles or thereby , and oh did the shipping perfectly well and and went home and by the time I got home the message had arrived back before me that the there were two old cattle among the younger ones that the fellow had put there just to feed up and the last we saw of them was going up over the island and that was okay we thought everything was okay .
6 One twenty five irrespective of who 's going in , it , it really is a a giveaway amount .
7 Many people who have not been sailing before , many parents are worried about their youngsters , think that it 's dangerous and whatever and we have all this information , we have all these checks , we have a wonderful education scheme er within our own organization in this country and we should go out and sell that and I think we , a lot of it 's going on already and I do n't decry that and we need to just market that a little better to get more youngsters on the water because once we get more youngsters on the water the pyramid gets wider , the building gets higher , so that 's an important issue
8 As before , a little water was used to thin the acrylic to the consistency of cream and most of it was gone over twice to get an even coverage of bright intense colour .
9 And we need to find him because he 'll be right in the middle of whatever 's going on .
10 He was n't at all sure that he wanted a good view of whatever was going on inside the house .
11 erm , and they did remarkably well , you know , taking it over , they were really very acceptable at the end , but the whole programme had this sub-plot of how antagonistic most of the prison officers were , not all of them , cos they obviously has some support to keep it going , but a lot of them were antagonistic towards what was going on , and not only that but just the the prison system , you know , this chap got transferred from one prison to another , when he was mid-way through rehearsals , you know , I mean why should n't he have stayed there ,
12 " So I was , sir , but I thought my bride had better see something of what 's goin' on in town before I take her back and bury her on the Moor .
13 Many of the young people today have n't the first idea of what 's going on . ’
14 ‘ There are several versions of what 's going on , but one is that it 's an attempt to overthrow the government ’ of President Ramsewak Shankar , he added .
15 It 's all very inwardlooking , and a lot of the time I find myself — it may sound unforgivable — ignorant of what 's going on outside me and the influences that are going around .
16 Each song is an idea of what 's going on inside the story .
17 This uses a video camera mounted on the tractor roof matched to a monitor screen on the dashboard to give the driver a view of what 's going on behind him without the need to turn round .
18 ‘ It would be worse than Amazon House finding out if she got wind of what 's going on .
19 It is not enough to notify the regional chairman or committee members of what 's going on and hope that they will pass on the message to the members and supporters .
20 Young moves round the corner to Toto 's in Walton Street , checking the cars , hoping the drivers — most of whom know him — will give him a whisper of what 's going on .
21 I feel now that if everybody looked after their own surroundings or took more notice of what 's going on immediately around them , the world might be a better place … ‘
22 But , provided that parents are patient and do not ask too many questions too soon , they will usually hear something of what 's going on .
23 You may find it becomes hard to keep track of what 's going on between you .
24 ‘ Zooming out ’ of what 's going on and commenting on it , without apportioning blame , may help defuse tension : ‘ Things seem to be getting a little heated at the moment . ’
25 I do n't get to know half of what 's going on .
26 ‘ They seemed to be really open about everything , I like the way everyone in the band should have full input into every part of what 's going on .
27 Graham , a self-confessed IBM-freak , felt he needed to present Big Blue 's side of the story because , ‘ IBM is incapable of putting forward its perception of what 's going on ’ .
28 It 's menu-driven , easy to use , comes on a single floppy and gives a clear indication of what 's going on .
29 ‘ We all have a great love of what 's going on down here — which also helps . ’
30 Because we 've got sixties all over the place so maybe it was n't a brilliant one to try but it gives us some indication of what 's going on .
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