Example sentences of "[adj] to make [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where some women are free to make vows of chastity , we are reminded that all women should be free to refuse men access to them .
2 In 1181 Pope Alexander died and was succeeded by Lucius 11I , who seemed willing to make compromises with Barbarossa .
3 The Transport Secretary , John McGregor , has hinted that he may be prepared to make concessions on rail privatisation to fend off a Conservative backbench rebellion .
4 to review , and where appropriate to make recommendations to Government Departments concerned on , the advancement of the general purposes of the Order and the provision of information and advisory services ;
5 It seems therefore appropriate to make recommendations with reference to three particular aspects of Language in Primary Teacher Education :
6 It 's so easy to make friends at Cala Mesquida .
7 He reminds us that it is easy to make mistakes with footprints : a few years ago , he said when reviewing a recent book on dinosaur tracks for an educational journal , a track appearing to show long , very fast strides consisted in reality of left footprints only , so the real stride length was only half the apparent one .
8 I had wanted so much to make friends at Lowood , to be good , to deserve praise .
9 It was impossible to make decisions at present even if a special Committee were to be set up .
10 Nor is there any bar against seeing someone against whom you have made or are likely to make allegations of negligence , provided that you make this clear and the fact that they are not under any obligation to talk to you .
11 It is not , of course , invariably helpful to make analogies between sexism and racism .
12 ‘ Under our proposals colleges would be much freer to make links with universities and polytechnics .
13 To be sure of providing physicists with details of the world beyond the standard model , the SSC 's designers decided it had to be able to make particles with masses of one trillion electron volts ( 1TeV ) .
14 Using other data sources , such as the New Earnings Survey , the investigator hopes to be able to make comparisons between career profiles of designers and other broadly comparable groups ( eg all graduates , engineering graduates etc . )
15 When the proposed changes were made known , advertised , and er members of the public and other bodies were able to make representations with respect to them , site D forty was shown as being additionally within the village .
16 Most schools given control over their budget have been able to make savings on heating and lighting without much difficulty — savings which should go to education in the classroom .
17 We have to be able to make measurements of welfare ; when we have done that , and discovered how good or poor the welfare is , ethical decisions have to be taken , and individuals will have their own ideas about what is acceptable .
18 We have to be able to make distinctions between parents , usually mothers , who are not suspected of involvement and parents , usually — although not exclusively — fathers , who are .
19 Parents will be seated in the Gallery but we will be happy to make arrangements in advance for anyone unable to go upstairs .
20 She was reserved in her adult relationships , reluctant to make claims on others and inhibited from offering what she had to give .
21 These tendencies have entailed certain structural problems — the market suffers from excess capacity ( see section 5.3 ) , with many eurobond operations unable to make profits on turnover averaged over the interest rate cycle .
22 Although Balcon was not the first to make films in Germany , he was the first to do so on a regular basis .
23 The boat 's course normally heads south into the Bay of Beckenried to make calls at Buochs and Beckenried .
24 These authors are right to point out that in cross sectional analyses it is difficult to make assumptions of causality .
25 It will use data from the Scottish Young People 's Surveys of 1985 , 1987 and 1989 to make comparisons between TVEI and non-TVEI pupils in TVEI schools , between TVEI schools and all other schools in Scotland , and between the same schools at different times before and after the introduction of TVEI .
26 It appeared that the he was anxious to make amends for President Pompidou 's lese-mjaests " in refusing to attend the Persepolis party , and also to request special help for France .
27 Within that programme , it should be possible to make allowances for work at Tranent and on the dualling to Haddington onthe A1 .
28 They are expected so far as practicable to make decisions on benefit entitlement within 14 days , but this time limit is frequently exceeded .
29 If Mr. Collins had sought to base an argument on the omission from the rules which I have characterised as unfair , we should have had to consider whether the opportunity given to Winchester on 6 November 1990 to make representations to Lautro 's board rectified this defect .
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