Example sentences of "[adj] even [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unmistakable even to a layman .
2 To think about this even for a moment is to see that something is amiss .
3 As we came round on Wigmore one more time , it was clear even from a distance that the situation had flared up drastically .
4 Only 17 per cent felt he was acceptable even as a co-representative .
5 No — surely they 'd never commit something so dangerous even to a Company Spiderline .
6 New east-west fold mountains immediately began to be destroyed again , producing mountains of conglomerate such as the fantastic shapes of Montserrat , near Barcelona ( plate 8.1 ) which is remarkable even in a country of conglomerates like Spain .
7 In Cyrenaica , then , the social and economic pattern was agricultural , and to a degree which was thought remarkable even in a world not familiar with alternatives to agricultural economies ( p. 13 ) .
8 Although I ca n't actually recall being prepared for it by my mother , it was only too obvious even to a child of seven years that something was pretty seriously wrong .
9 In extreme cases , unjustified delay can render a dismissal unfair even in a case where a similar penalty would have been legitimate had management not dragged its feet .
10 Too quick even for a channel click really !
11 Its ratio of costs to income was a miserly 40% last year , good even for a thrift ; most banks would be proud of a figure below 60% .
12 Ironically , this also makes his autobiography unsatisfactory even as a self-portrait .
13 As the ball hangs there , moon-white against the wall of cloud , everything in the world seems briefly up for grabs and I am seized by two contradictory feelings : there is so much beauty in the world it is incredible that we are ever miserable ; there is so much shit in the world that it is amazing we are happy even for a moment .
14 The forceplate can pick up damage while a horse still looks normal even to a trainer 's practised eye .
15 Thirstlessness is usual even with a fever or the dry mouth which is also commonly present .
16 It was in this dusk , prevailing even on a summer morning , that the throes of cooking came to their birth .
17 Their displacement was not however immediately perceptible even to a writer like Disraeli , who was critically interested both in the architecture and in the social function of great houses .
18 ‘ They were so well paid too , that even at a time of servant shortage people were queuing up to work there .
19 That hole 's getting too small even for a size ten like Belle . ’
20 The waves there are small even in a storm .
21 The skin feels hot even without a fever .
22 It is tempting to dismiss Symphony as yesterday 's software on the grounds that it now looks very unexciting even as a DOS product .
23 ‘ It 's the kind of fur Sister Dew thought Miss Broome 's coat might be — but apparently it would be too expensive even for a canon 's daughter . ’
24 The devastation in the city 's Lake Zone , about 400 kilometres from the epicentre , was surprising even for a quake of 8.1 magnitude .
25 You will have seen , with as much surprise as pleasure , a child of nine play the harpsichord like the great masters ; & what will have astonished you even more was to hear from trustworthy persons that he already played it in a superior manner three years ago ; to know that almost everything he plays is of his own composition ; to have found in all his pieces , and even in his improvisations , that character of force which is the stamp of genius , that variety which proclaims the fire of imagination & that charm which proves an assured taste ; and lastly , to have seen him perform the most difficult pieces with an ease and a facility that would be surprising even in a musician of thirty … .
26 ‘ I was chubby even as a baby and it was n't helped as a child by the fact that my mum believed in always feeding me up and rewarding everything with sweets .
27 Petrashevskii , the son of a St Petersburg doctor , had been eccentric even as a teenager at the Tsarskoe Selo lycée .
28 It was held that the effect of the clause was to throw onto the employer the risk of damage caused by fire , so that the contractor was not liable even for a fire caused by the negligence of its employees ( and despite the presence of a clause under which the contractor undertook to indemnify the employer against losses in respect of damage to property caused by the negligence of the contractor 's employees , which was held to be qualified by the clause dealing with fire insurance ) .
29 Huntington Castle , an early seventeenth-century mansion , is bizarre even in a country that takes pride in the eccentric .
30 The police are called upon to perform many public services ( for example , see Punch 1979b ; Punch and Naylor 1973 ) , which is true even of a police force in a divided society like Northern Ireland , as the last chapter showed .
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