Example sentences of "[adj] because [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is appropriate for spectators to applaud successful strokes in proportion to difficulty but excessive demonstrations by a player or his partisans are not proper because of the possible effect upon other competitors .
2 The Supreme Court decision in Dames and Moore v. Regan537 is especially interesting because of the large number of potentially affected individuals , including the hostages detained in Tehran , foreign and American banking interests , commercial enterprises with dealings in Iran , and government agencies .
3 They are minor , in the sense that one meets them relatively infrequently , but they are also quite interesting because of the linguistic sophistication they reveal in the usage of the ordinary speaker .
4 The early emigrants went to Brazil and the Portuguese African colonies ( popular because of the common language ) .
5 Measurements of the HI and CO lines enable one to infer for each point on the sky the column density of HI and H 2 moving with a given velocity , but the inferred H 2 column densities are cruder because of the extra interpretive step required .
6 It can do this because during the recent election campaign , there was no great disagreement about economic policy among the parties .
7 The first fish purchased were the Corydoras Arcuatus , the Skunk Cory , called this because of the black stripe running along the arch of the back .
8 Is this because of the strange life your mother forced on you or is it a natural trait of character ? ’
9 At present all the pressure for reform is on the secondary schools , and this because of the new wave of vocationalism that has swept over education since the late l970s .
10 Was this because of the over accident ?
11 Youth boss Ray Hankin said : ‘ Over the season we will get points from games like this because of the hard work we put in .
12 The personal rewards for primary nursing are high because of the closer relationship with a relatively small number of clients .
13 This situation is not recognised over the major inversion centres of the Sole Pit and the Cleveland High because of the insufficient amount of Tertiary subsidence .
14 Bradford , of course , gets its first game this year since the ground was shut down in 1985 because of the unsafe structure of the pavilion .
15 But top British and continental clubs were not simply interested because of the astonishing success of the Milk Cup in Northern Ireland .
16 The church is very light because of the large , decoratively traceried windows .
17 They knew it was all funny because of the funny voice he put on .
18 His appeal to the Supreme Court that the Smith Act was unconstitutional because of the First Amendment was rejected .
19 The dense bodies ( 250–300 nm ) , so-called because of the electron-dense opaque internal content when visualized with the electron microscope , are the storage sites for 5-hydroxytryptamine , adenine nucleotides , calcium and pyrophosphate ( Holmsen & Weiss , 1979 ) .
20 But the psychoanalytic theory of paranoia enables us to see that these two equally-well-attested interpretations are not in any way in conflict with one another because in the latent content of paranoia we find both a tendency to symbolize the father as the sun and a delusion of persecution concerning him which in a typically paranoid way denies the homosexual factor by saying I do not love him , he hates me .
21 The riding of the new car was decidedly lively because of the rubber suspension fitted to the bogies .
22 However , a resolution which had been attached to the bill stipulated that it should not enter into effect until the beginning of 1993 because of the financial problems involved in implementing it .
23 He says there is part of that site where investigations do indicate the water table is high — only perhaps half a metre below the surface and in that area we would n't regard burial as acceptable because of the potential risk of contaminating the ground water .
24 He says there is part of that site where investigations do indicate the water table is high — only perhaps half a metre below the surface and in that area we would n't regard burial as acceptable because of the potential risk of contaminating the ground water .
25 The study carrels were empty because of the cold weather : snow and ice covered the deserted garden though from the abbey church we could hear the faint chanting of Lauds .
26 In this case the rocks at the Venera 8 site may be non-basaltic because of the greater distance of this site from Beta Regio .
27 It may eventually become apparent that the successful implementation of the 1981 Act was made impossible because in the early stages of its introduction too many teachers were frustrated at the lack of support they received .
28 But it would be hard to argue , say , that Greeks are less moral because of the appalling corruption of and greed demonstrated by senior figures in the government and party of the socialist Andreas Papandreou .
29 In the later eighteenth century the problem appeared particularly serious because of the wholesale adaptation of arable farming in the Midlands and East Anglia to meet the demands of a rapidly growing population and the food-supply problems caused by the wars .
30 Young people could be ‘ moulded to the demand ’ from employers and this was crucial because in the long term , the ‘ character of the demand … is ultimately governed by the possibilities of supply . ’
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