Example sentences of "[adj] than they have [be] " in BNC.

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1 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
2 On average prices were around 25 per cent lower between 1720 and 1780 than they had been between 1660 and 1680 .
3 My legs were steadier than they had been the night before but they still dithered weakly .
4 Trade unions were in fact in a much stronger position in 1933 than they had been in 1921 or 1922 .
5 The audience were no surer of this than they had been of the song .
6 Some of Britain 's rivers are now cleaner than they 've been for years .
7 Certainly Churchill and Eden found that their dealings with Eisenhower and Dulles were no easier than they had been with the Democrats : in fact they often thought them worse .
8 Bans had to be introduced to give the fish stocks time to recover , and they are better now in the 1980's than they have been since the mid-1960's .
9 Also , although there were marked fluctuations in the number of admissions from year to year , it is clear that from about 1490 the numbers of those admitted at York were consistently lower than they had been from the mid 1380s to the 1440s .
10 He said the miners were being asked to accept wages that were even lower than they 'd been before the war and that their working conditions were appalling .
11 ‘ Present values are lower than they have been for some time , and are sticking .
12 The empty dishes , china , and uneaten food had been taken away for examination , so the sight and smell were somewhat more palatable than they had been the day before .
13 Henry VII continued this exploitation of the Crown estates , which were far more extensive than they had been in 1433 .
14 The views of the CBI could scarcely be clearer than they have been on the subject of the minimum wage .
15 And although some of them were a lot less well-off than they had been , they still seemed to get away with most things , feeling not the least need to prove themselves , she supposed , like herself and Lizzie Braithwaite , and Maria Colclough , and Ethel Lord .
16 It would be nice if the conference were preceded by an agreement on Cyprus — about which the Turks could usefully be more accommodating than they have been so far — but the conference should not depend on that , any more than the Helsinki one needed a prior agreement on the unification of Germany .
17 FARM policy reforms agreed by EC members leave farming industry prospects brighter than they have been for years , Agriculture Minister John Gummer told the Commons last night .
18 In the bathroom he peered in the mirror at the creases on his forehead ; surely they were deeper than they had been yesterday .
19 It seemed that some of the constellations were less random than they had been .
20 Some new measures had , of course , been necessary , but on the whole changes brought about by the war were less incisive than they had been in 1914 .
21 The cumulative effect was that by Anne 's reign relations between Dissenters and Anglicans in many communities were no better than they had been in the 1680s .
22 Mr Bodlender 's comments are supported by the results of the ninth quarterly Horwath Business Confidence Survey , which shows that Britain 's hoteliers are significantly more confident than they have been for over a year .
23 My hon. Friend will note that German interest rates and ours are closer than they have been for a long time .
24 Although there had been brief conflicts between England and France in the reigns of Edward I and Edward II , the reasons for war were now much more substantial than they had been in 1294 or 1324 , and the will to war on the part of the king , if not yet on the part of most of the nobility , was much more apparent .
25 Freud came to see , later , that human beings are not predisposed to admit that they are organisms which die and are destructive any more than they had been prepared to admit that young children , under five years of age , were sexual .
26 But for Nietzsche " art as a whole " and " the Hellenic sphere " were simply not separable , any more than they had been for Winckelmann .
27 Her nights were calmer than they had been .
28 The irony was that the economic returns expected from the reforms were hardly gained at all , and the railways were really no nearer paying their way by the end of 1966 than they had been in 1962 .
29 Ingram has found that in many parts of southern England the levels of these practices were much higher in the 1620s and 1630s than they had been in the middle years of Elizabeth 's reign ; and Jeremy Boulton has discovered that between 80 and 98 per cent of all the potential communicants of two large suburban parishes in London were receiving annual communion during the late Elizabethan and Jacobean periods-a very high proportion by any standards .
30 Average cereal prices were seriously higher after 1760 than they had been in the early eighteenth century so there was less fluctuation around the breadline in the first half of the century , but the relief-dependent population was even so probably not much below 10 per cent in most parishes in most years and capable of rising much above that from time to time in localities affected by short-term unemployment of the kind that manufacturing slumps could bring even to the pre-industrial economy .
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