Example sentences of "[adj] than [art] [adj -est] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was in love with a man who considered her to be lower than the lowest form of human life , yet even that was n't enough to change her feelings for him .
2 It seems unlikely that much was imported , but a walk on the shores of the west coast of the island will discover many pebbles of flint amongst the others , and they vary in size from very small ones , too small to use , to the occasional large one bigger than the largest grapefruit .
3 We wanted to build a pyramid that was going to be slightly bigger than the biggest pyramid in Egypt .
4 The flunkey hesitated , then responded by answering the last question first — with a figure that was nearly four times larger than the largest sum I had thought I might try asking .
5 Reports of sea serpents say they look like smooth snakes , but they are many times larger than the biggest snakes on earth : the longest seem to be about 200 metres .
6 If you were to smooth out all the material there is in the universe into a uniform sort of sea of particles , you would find that the density was just about one atom in every cubic metre , which is far better than the best vacuum that you can ever make on earth by artificial means .
7 Mr Yeltsin 's chief military aide , Mr Dmitry Volkgonov , said : ‘ We have to find a compromise because the worst negotiations are better than the best war . ’
8 We washed this down with iced tea , which in the heat of a Texas summer tastes better than the best wine could .
9 Meanwhile , among economists , the jury is still out on whether regional trade blocs and bilateral trade agreements are any more than a second-best strategy .
10 Neither country has more than the sketchiest experience of democracy .
11 At least , things happened there ; it was obvious to Schaffer that his presence in Langstone was nothing more than the merest nod towards protocol , but Stoneley had refused to let him return and make the police withdrawal complete .
12 On occasion , zones will be requested to submit notional breakdowns on their expenditure for the forthcoming year , but such submissions are often no more than the haziest guides to real expenditure .
13 This involves first cutting the panel down to slightly more than the largest measurement , and then supporting it in place , so that it is spaced slightly away from the wall or ceiling , but is exactly vertical or horizontal .
14 The most casual obscenities , the most hackneyed endearments , coming to me from your rose-red lips , are worth more than the sagest advice of all the old men in the world .
15 In reality , little more than the faintest outlines of such a legislative model can be detected .
16 Man is capable of a measure of creativity and mutual co-operation of which history has witnessed no more than the faintest inkling .
17 It is to the netting of that protean reality that Joyce now bends all his energies , and my mixing of metaphors can give no more than the faintest hint of what that strange act entails .
18 BRAINTREE District Council 's former direct labour organisation has put in a bid to reroof 27 houses which is £150,000 more than the lowest tender .
19 In relation to primary education , they found considerable variation , with the most generous authority spending 70 per cent more than the lowest authority .
20 Gilman Mr vice chairman could be the real reason … when building the East Stand the contract went to GMI who bid 2m more than the lowest bidder .
21 Scots spend £7.40 a week on tobacco , more than 50pc more than the lowest region , the south-east of England , which spends just £4.50 .
22 So it had been quite refreshing when Luke had said goodbye with no more than the lightest brush of his lips against her cheek .
23 Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared ; for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer .
24 His overcrowded programme allowed no time for more than the barest formalities between himself and Merrill , and his manner was coolly polite — a situation for which , she told herself , she was profoundly grateful .
25 If you wish to write more than the simplest assembler code programs for the Z88 , you will need a considerable amount of technical information about the machine .
26 If so , the timber structure need have been little more than the simplest type of tailor 's dummy .
27 Few of the newcomers know any Hebrew and few have more than the vaguest idea about Israel .
28 He knows the routine , he appreciates the need , if without relishing it , he is too much the practised professional to show more than the briefest irritation .
29 At home they propagate a mythological aura about their secret sales expertise , often no more than the latest gimmicks applied to age-old techniques .
30 At home , on both wings of her Cabinet , are ministers who regard green politics as no more than the latest fad ; the election will not be won by fighting on the beaches , in the air , and in the green belts , but once again in the pockets of the people , is their view .
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