Example sentences of "[adj] than [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wood 's figures of 8–0-20–0 tell their story , but he was more wayward than Jeh in line and length .
2 Training in singing appears to be less systematised than training in voice production .
3 Seen from above in flight , primaries appear paler than rest of wing .
4 The tiny lady in purple looking after the money , 78 years old and no bigger than twopennorth of copper , was Jess Wilson who turned out to have been a British clay pigeon champion many years ago .
5 But even though he strives to protect his privacy , Craig 's still larger than life at work , always joking , teasing and larking about .
6 Control of interest rates loomed far larger than control of money supply .
7 This process analysed by Hindess runs deeper than disagreement over policy .
8 ‘ For me , sumptuousness of fabric is more effective than importance of shape . ’
9 ‘ Rosyth is hands-down better than Devonport for safety , development and everything else .
10 Heater probe treatment of bleeding ulcer may be better than sclerosis with alcohol for stopping acute haemorrhage .
11 Prohibition of drugs , they say , works no better than prohibition of alcohol did in the United States .
12 In general terms it is suggested that determination by expert is quicker and cheaper than determination by arbitrator .
13 It 's cheaper than diesel at present !
14 Perhaps there was something more than coherence at stake .
15 Western governments generally expressed sympathy for the Lithuanian cause and concern at Soviet military pressure and the economic blockade , and Prunskiene was received everywhere by heads of government , but these governments did little more than call for restraint by both sides and for negotiations .
16 Already several of the rabbits were asleep , crouched uneasily between the thick stems , aware of the chance of danger but too tired to do more than trust to luck .
17 It has even been held that presence remains no more than evidence of encouragement even when it is accompanied by a secret intention to help if necessary one of the participants in an affray .
18 Under these conditions we have little option other than to accept that we can do little more than look with envy towards those farmers in New Zealand making a living without the ‘ benefit ’ of subsidies .
19 Without time to do more than yell in protest as he set off , Sarella launched herself after him and did her utmost to keep pace .
20 Salt kept her hard at work round the house from the time she woke till late at night , with grim satisfaction in seeing her too worn out to do more than fall into bed and sleep .
21 In fact , contrary to what has sometimes been said about his modesty , he enjoyed talking about his work , even when it was no more than work in progress .
22 Nevertheless , that Empire which , as Dryden said , ‘ is no more than power in trust ’ , provoked a world war .
23 Gifts in kind Gifts in kind are no less important than money in family exchanges and there is evidence that these can include both goods and services , including the basic necessities .
24 Shape is more important than colour at night .
25 Editor , — Since the advent of the NHS reforms and the internal market , expedient treatment and patients ' convenience often seem more important than quality of care .
26 Good sight lines are more important than evenness of chair layout .
27 The mythic animals are an even stronger reminder that the fresco artists were depicting another world than the everyday one ; it is a symbolic world where general concepts such as fecundity were more important than accuracy of detail .
28 Priorities in economic policy have changed ; growth becomes more important than redistribution of wealth , and growth is encouraged by deregulation of the economy rather than by state intervention .
29 The risk that the rollover rate is less than yield to maturity is known as reinvestment risk ( or rollover risk ) .
30 It is just a question of knowing when to use it : not , I would think , for food , or , usually , cosmetics ; but illustration appears to be more successful than photography for fashion , and it can clearly be used for most other types of product .
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