Example sentences of "[adj] should [be] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was resolved that the attendance of the physician and the surgeons should be given free of all expense to the institution , and that each should be allowed the privileges of a governor by virtue of their appointments .
2 The following resolution passed by the Bournemouth Congress in 1971 also illustrates this new mood : This Congress demands according to the rights of citizenship in a democratic society : a ) That whenever legislation is proposed concerning the deaf , the deaf themselves as represented by the British Deaf Association should have full consultation and adequate participation at all levels ; b ) That in the implementation of all such legislation the deaf should be given every opportunity for active participation ; c ) That there should be adequate representation by deaf persons on governing bodies of all Associations and schools concerned with the welfare , employment and education of the deaf .
3 Indeed , his insistence that punishments should only reflect the harm done to society and have nothing to do with subjective intent would seem to imply that the accident-prone should be treated the same as those who cause harm by design !
4 To that should be added a familiarity with the commonest ways of symbolising sounds ; a dictionary user faced with looking up a word whose spelling he does n't know , ought to be able to choose where to start looking for it , with a fair degree of success .
5 The new contract for General Practitioners now stipulates that all patients aged over 75 should be offered an annual check up and home visit where , if possible , assistance can be offered to cope with any undetected functional handicaps .
6 Every woman who 's pregnant should be offered a test to avoid this happening .
7 Just as important as the specific commitment is the general recognition that older people have potential in the same way as the rest of the population , and that this should be given the chance to develop .
8 We might therefore ask whether , even within the framework of Oakeshott 's thought , this should be considered an achievement of great importance — not simply prudentially but also morally .
9 To this should be attached a revised , up-dated consideration of the date bracket for each group , and a list of residual pieces .
10 The object objective in six should be to minimize the loss of that land and to take the land in the l in the lower grade within the best and most versatile , rather than the higher grade .
11 One such should be to lower the limits on the size and frequency of nuclear tests .
12 His view of the visible church , for example , was much wider than that of even Whitgift , as he appeared to argue that since Christ had died for all , all men and women — including Roman Catholics — were potentially part of the visible church , and as such should be offered the sacrament of the eucharist , if they were prepared to receive it in good faith .
13 It is argued that these are debts owed to the community and as such should be accorded a preference .
14 The position achieved in the early 1980s can be assessed from the textbooks that have been written because these should be influencing the methods of instruction in the subject of physical geography as a whole , and also from the position in the branches of physical geography .
15 To these should be added a third group , which are not so abundant in terms of volume , but which are equally important .
16 To these should be added a third consideration , transparency .
17 Mr Carr discovered that these should be distributed every Christmas , and wrote letters , to which he did not receive an answer .
18 Examples 3 and 4 should be practised the same way .
19 Strictly , this latter should be called a skill description rather than a task description .
20 To the old long-stay patients re-established in community settings and the younger chronic patients who may never have become institutionalized should be added the relatively small but significant number of mentally abnormal offenders whose discharge from special hospitals gave rise to the 1975 Report of the committee on mentally abnormal offenders ( Cmnd. 6244 ) , together with the growing number of elderly people with mental health problems , including dementia ( Health Advisory Service , 1982 ) .
21 A Dukes 's C cancer or worse should be regarded a failure or surveillance because of the uncertain outlook .
22 A startling illustration of another educator 's naive understanding of the work of drama teachers occurs in a recent publication by David Hargreaves ( 1982 ) who recommends that the arts and drama in particular should be given a place at the centre of the curriculum .
23 And its design is so far ahead of the others ( Dell , Gateway , Zeos et al ) that the style-conscious should be beating a path to Zenith 's door .
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