Example sentences of "[adj] may have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I only ask because I have had educational advantages , courtesy both of Cambridge and the fresh , clean-limbed members of Her Majesty 's prison service , that may have been denied to readers who , while possessed of many excellent and succulently moist personal characteristics are , perforce , less verbally erudite than moi .
2 The failure of the continuation school movement shows that the class position of the prospective pupils , rather than any age relationship , determined that the significance of their labour power was more important than their further education , however that may have been defined .
3 I think that may have been construed as impolite , so I smiled and replied that , yes indeed it was still a bit to go before the top , and wow , certainly it was proving mighty tough .
4 The report stated that a study had been made of an incinerator at Bonnybridge in Scotland that suggested an increased level of twinning in cattle , and possibly in humans , that may have been linked with the emission of PCHs and other substances from the plant .
5 Some may have been worn as earrings .
6 Some of the patterns shown are so elaborate that it seems doubtful that they were woven : some may have been printed with blocks , while others may have been produced by a mixed-medium method , combining printing , embroidery , and appliqué work .
7 missing children — those who disappear ; some may have been kidnapped or abducted , some will have run away
8 Some of these workers may have just entered the labour market from school , some may have been made redundant from their previous jobs , some may have been sacked for one reason or another and many will have quit their previous jobs in order to create time to search for more satisfactory ones .
9 The locations of the recent Kalimantan outbreaks suggest that some may have been rekindled from underground smoulderings dating from at least the mid-80s .
10 Outline some of the evidence from which it is believed that water has not been lost in large quantities from Venus , and the evidence which indicates that some may have been lost .
11 Some may have been ploughed , but much has probably been improved and is now recorded under permanent pasture , the more suitable permanent pasture having been turned to arable .
12 Some of these workers may have just entered the labour market from school , some may have been made redundant from their previous jobs , some may have been sacked for one reason or another and many will have quit their previous jobs in order to create time to search for more satisfactory ones .
13 These S.S.S.I.s are constantly under review , and while some may have been dropped , others may have been extended and new sites added .
14 Some may have been divided into flats while others may have been newly modernised or renovated .
15 Some may have been discouraged by the attitude of the Office of Works to questions .
16 It is probable that Minoan citizens offered real robes to the temple for this purpose : some may have been woven in the temple itself , given that loom-weights were found in the cellars of the East Wing of the Labyrinth .
17 Some of the questions may be completely answered , some may be nearly but not quite complete and some may have been abandoned half-way .
18 This may have been caused by the heating and lighting used at that time , or perhaps modern communications plus far better fire fighting methods available today ensure that incidents are tackled much more quickly .
19 Layers of organic muds of swamp origin will be interspersed with wedge-shaped horizons of marine sediments thinning landwards and representing marine advance , however this may have been caused , levees of coarser sediment will follow the courses of former distributaries , while fanshaped spreads of such material will mark the sites of levee breaches .
20 However , this may have been overturned by the House of Lords in Lonrho Ltd .
21 This may have been characterised by a mystic other-worldliness which had little time for the concerns of this world , and the working out of faith in relation to the everyday challenges of life .
22 At some date , presumably after the twelfth century , the village moved or was moved westwards and its gridplan suggests this may have been planned .
23 It is strange , however , that Garrick did not subscribe for Leapor 's volumes , since at almost the same time he subscribed for the Irish bricklayer poet , Henry Jones , though this may have been done to please Chesterfield .
24 This may have been done by the surveyor to protect the building society or bank .
25 This may have been done in the Middle Ages , but many warrens seem to date from the sixteenth century onwards .
26 Some of this may have been channelled into Pathe , where Mr Fiorini is still co-chairman .
27 This led to forced feedings of turkeys , and , after being voided , resultant germination of seeds of the tree which was on the verge of extinction , though this may have been exacerbated by the depredations of introduced monkeys , which take unripe fruits .
28 Its lateral line should enable it to survive and eat , but even this may have been affected if it is bumping into things .
29 On a modern system this may have been replaced by a safety device called a residual current device ( RCD ) , which turns off the supply if it detects current leaking to earth , and so protects the system and its users against the twin risks of fire and electric shock .
30 This may be dealt with in some way in the contract in that a certain notice period may have been specified and this may have been adhered to by the parties .
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