Example sentences of "[adj] only to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bracken scratched her tender skin , but she was barely aware of it , her every nerve ending alive only to the man touching her with such consummate skill .
2 This is much easier to follow than text which is long-winded and frequently ambiguous or file designs or programming flowcharts which are understandable only to the computer professional .
3 In other words communism under freedom is possible only to the extent that people are motivated by non-economic rewards .
4 ‘ I can be free only to the extent that others are forbidden to profit from their physical , economic , or other superiority to the detriment of my liberty . ’
5 In the general case we have to use several descriptions , often appropriate only to the polymer under study , rather than one or other of the more exact descriptions .
6 When the arrears are payable , the presumption is that they are to be paid provided there are surplus assets available , whether or not these represent accumulated profits which might have been distributed by way of dividend , but that they are payable only to the date of the commencement of the winding up .
7 Of the instruments of good works listed in the Rule of Saint Benedict , second only to the love of God came the love of humankind , and Cadfael reverenced the Rule above the detailed and meticulous rules .
8 The earl became the largest landowner in Ireland , and second only to the Duke of Lancaster in England , while his descendants had royal blood in their veins .
9 Forests and woodlands come second only to the beach as a perfect place for an away-day , with four out of 10 people preferring to picnic in style , at a designated picnic site .
10 Education was probably a larger issue in the 1964 general election than ever before ( or , it need hardly be added , since ) : the national opinion polls placed it second only to the cost of living .
11 For twenty years Marcus Judge had been the most powerful figure on Jubilee Wharf , second only to the Wharfmaster himself .
12 Yet , because of his knowledge , he had powers second only to the president .
13 He is also the Reiksmarshall of the Empire , commander of all the Empire 's forces , second only to the Emperor himself .
14 Among those with carcinoma of the floor of the mouth , which was second only to the tongue as the most common site , 55 ( 76% ) had a history of smoking .
15 If I were taking on a new act , their ability to perform on stage would be second only to the quality of their songwriting .
16 If work groups meet every day ( as many do ) , they will represent the second most cohesive group in most people 's lives — second only to the family .
17 Second only to the family , his chief love was for the North of Scotland and in the mid-fifties he realised a life-time ambition by becoming the owner of a 26,000-acre estate in Sutherland and , typical of the man , here he turned this unit into a sound agricultural business as well as a sporting estate .
18 According to the Men 's Movement , second only to the father is the older male who will help teach a young man what it means to be a man and help remove him from his father 's influence .
19 A recent survey in the Wall Street Journal , America 's only readable paper , has shown that the microwave is the nation 's favourite household appliance , second only to the smoke alarm in terms of its importance to the American lifestyle .
20 The cuts would be noticeable only to the expert onlooker and there was certainly ‘ no cause for alarm ’ , he said .
21 A passage from Verdelot 's ‘ Ogn'hor per voi sospiro ’ ( in his Secondo libro de Madrigali , 1537 ) will illustrate typical early madrigal texture with an exchange of phrases obvious only to the singer ( madrigals were seldom written with listeners in mind ) ( cantus , bars 2–4 , and tenor 4–6 ; altus bars 2–4 , and cantus 4–6 ) , contrasts of four- and two-part , writing , highlighting of ‘ tacendo ’ and ‘ amando ’ with their semitonal sighs :
22 The coroner in England and Wales is appointed by the Lord Chancellor and once appointed he ( or she ) is technically answerable only to the Queen .
23 Some of the ancient abbeys , such as St Albans and Bury St Edmunds in England , were exempt from the visitation of the local bishop and answerable only to the pope .
24 Tycho was a Protestant , beholden only to the king of Denmark , Frederick II , who had granted him free use of a small island to pursue his astronomical studies .
25 They were of course no different from good maintained grammar schools and owed their survival after 10/65 only to the anomaly created in 1926 and perpetuated in 1944 .
26 In all cases , remember that the information you find is interesting or valuable only to the extent that you can put it to relevant use in your essay ; facts do not come with fixed , off-the-peg significance .
27 The Arrhenius equation or where K = specific reaction rate ; A = frequency factor ; Ea = energy of activation ; R = gas constant ; T = absolute temperature is applicable only to the investigation of the chemical stability of single compounds in simple solution .
28 ‘ Certain highly technical factors , intelligible only to the expert and with which I will not take up the time of this inquest , have led me to conclude that Subject A had been dead for more than nine years and less than twelve .
29 As late as the 1760s the ideal government , in the eyes not merely of George III but of the great majority of his subjects , was one consisting of a number of heads of departments , each performing his task efficiently and responsible only to the king and Parliament .
30 Freeports , all near airports or docks , offer tariff and customs privileges , while UDCs go further and replace local government 's powers over development control with an appointed board responsible only to the Minister .
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