Example sentences of "[adj] an [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The Audit Commission was established in 1982 to address this issue and has campaigned vigorously for the introduction of performance review considering this an appropriate response to many of the problems perceived to be afflicting local authorities .
2 Is this an appropriate time to erm ?
3 But he considered this an unforgivable insult to his dignity and marched us both to an underground lavatory on the edge of the square , followed by a curious and gleeful crowd waiting for the extranjeros to get their come-uppance .
4 Commenting on the drafts , Henry Hodge , Chairman of the Law Society 's Race Relations Committee , said today : ‘ We consider this an important contribution to the debate on the training and suitability of people to become judges .
5 4.1 An important change to all the revised module descriptors is the role of the workfile and diagnostic worksheets .
6 ‘ Is that why you took such an immediate liking to Anna ?
7 I do n't know why you have such an unreasonable reaction to it .
8 Yeah but I do n't think that 's gon na be such an easy case to .
9 Compared with such an inexorable path to disaster , still camouflaged by the ‘ Hitler myth ’ , the self-seeking aggrandisement of Party bosses , however much it offended social and political sensitivities , was only of fringe importance .
10 These are the tracks to which a whole generation dated and danced , the driving rock numbers and sweet teen love songs that formed such an unforgettable soundtrack to our lives .
11 But it was such an unusual rise to fame , a situation that , apart from Elvis and The Beatles , there really was n't anyone else to make any reference to and say this is how they got through it all , because there had been nobody else of that size who had done it , and it 's hard to say how much of the rise to fame was attributed to DeFries .
12 Now that lucky Jupiter is making such an exciting connection to your sign , you 'll start to feel you 're really going places .
13 The new Burma Army would have a British Inspector-General and two Deputies , one from the PBF and one from the ethnic minorities who had made such an important contribution to harassing the Japanese .
14 It is for this reason that the use of control products is such an important aid to the evaluation of the results of product stability and product-container compatibility tests .
15 It was hard to see why such an obvious solution to R 's identity had never occurred to her .
16 There is no valid argument against such an obvious improvement to the democractic process .
17 You may be amazed that such an obvious shortcoming to a staff plan should have continued to escape my notice , but then you will agree that such is often the way with matters one has given abiding thought to over a period of time ; one is not struck by the truth until prompted quite accidentally by some external event .
18 We know , then , that he can play a little — after all , nobody has won as many tour events in a year since Bob Tway in 1986 — but we did n't know he could make an audience laugh , or that he had such an offbeat approach to the game .
19 Such timber buildings would have been built using the accumulated experience of the community and would not have seemed such an intricate task to those who regularly witnessed the activity .
20 Unfortunately , policy-makers do not have the resources for such an analytical approach to policy decisions ; not only would a comprehensive review of alternative options take up more time and staff than can normally be expected .
21 Then again for reasons of established cultural preference we had to go back to the Audit Commission and ask them to translate £6.358 million into ‘ real men ’ , for we had difficulty in trying to sell such an alien concept to the police mind .
22 It is perhaps arguable , though , that we should recognize structures based on assignment of equation where the two intensional elements are properties ; thus a sentence such as small is beautiful might be represented as : ( 36 ) small is beautiful On the other hand , it may be that the human mind only represents such an equational assignment to itself by first making an entity-concept out of the ideas on each side .
23 With such an inauspicious start to the congress which is meant to be a demonstration of unity , the organisers have had to take precautions .
24 Such an open-ended commitment to a government that most Unionists regarded with contempt could hardly last for long : Law found it convenient to make use of the Unionist Business Committee , constituted in January 1915 as an official opposition group , and he suggested Walter Long as its chairman , so harnessing Long 's vindictive powers and giving the party some means of influencing the government without breaking the party truce .
25 He must try to explain to them that Sylvie 's suicide was above all an appropriate finale to her life .
26 Romany King 's trainer Toby Balding wants to give the improving eight-year-old an easy build-up to the National .
27 While self powered bench sanders are available an excellent introduction to this machine is via the Wolfcraft Bench Sander drill attachment .
28 Typically women become eligible for housing under the Act in situations of marital breakdown , but rehousing is not automatic , and neither is being homeless an open door to decent housing .
29 Here , in blissful ignorance of formidable evidence to the contrary , judges continue ‘ to regard imprisonment as at best an effective antidote to crime , and at worst a justified form of incapacitation , even for petty , persistent offenders ’ ( Downes , 1999 : 203 ) .
30 The letter to the Hebrews makes it clear that the Old Testament sacrifice was at best an incomplete answer to the problem of sin .
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