Example sentences of "[adj] had [been] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 " So what would you normally have done as soon as you arrived if this had been an ordinary Thursday ?
2 He was reflecting , perhaps , that this had been an easier job than the electrical wiring .
3 1977 had been an odd vintage , at CRD .
4 Lithuania first had been an independent state in mediaeval times , until the end of the 14th century .
5 That had been an awful tea they 'd had at five o'clock ; two slices of bread and fat , a slab of hard cake and a bowl of milk ; then nothing else , only a drink of water , if they wanted one , before they came to bed , and it only half-past seven .
6 Opening the proceedings at the morning AGM for the Institution 's Governors the RNLI 's Chairman , Mr Michael Vernon , began by reminding the meeting that 1990 had been an eventful and difficult year in many parts of the world , with a sharp recession and uncomfortably high inflation affecting these islands .
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