Example sentences of "[adj] had [vb pp] with the " in BNC.

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1 Development workers in the towns of Sashemene and Sodo ( 200 and 280 km south of Addis Ababa respectively ) reported that looting which had started on May 21 had ended with the arrival of EPRDF troops in early June .
2 They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils and beans and yogurt ; they drank a little beer , making it spin out ; they shared book-buying ; they were both entirely confined to their grants , which did not go far in London , and could not be supplemented with holiday earnings , for these had vanished with the oil crisis .
3 It thus became impossible for any king in future to prolong indefinitely the life of a complaisant House of Commons , as Charles II had done with the ‘ Cavalier Parliament ’ of 1661–79 .
4 Of the ten most active fellows ( including Robert Boyle , Jonathan Goddard , Henry Oldenburg , William Petty , John Wilkins , Lord Brouncker , Walter Charleton , John Evelyn , Sir Robert Moray , and Christopher Wren ) , the first five had collaborated with the parliamentarian regime , suggesting a higher proportion of puritan involvement than that indicated by the larger sample .
5 On three separate occasions before the war he had taken part in manoeuvres dedicated to the capture of Verdun , and each had ended with the conclusion that the attack would have to be made simultaneously on both banks to obviate the danger of flanking fire .
6 Both had remonstrated with the King when he withdrew to his private chambers in the castle to dress for the journey .
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