Example sentences of "[adj] who [vb base] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The mountains have an undisputed lure , the Russian people a warmth and generosity that will come as a very pleasant surprise to all who arrive with an open mind and a readiness to respond with a smile .
2 As luck would have it , my best friend is the most wonderful cook in the world , and her contributions to any cottage holiday more than compensate for those who come with a tin of sardines in tomato sauce and a Pot Noodle .
3 Those who come with an open mind and see the place for themselves invariably return home as ambassadors for our province .
4 To those who harmonize with the meagre resources of tonic , dominant , and subdominant in root positions only , I would recommend abstinence from the use of these chords for a while , and concentration on the other part of the vast diatonic field which is actually available .
5 In a radio interview of Oct. 5 President Taya had dismissed the idea of a multiparty conference : " It consolidates the success of those who shout with the loudest voices , the most arrogant lobbies , and the tribes with strong dependency on the outside . "
6 The introduction to the book states : ‘ The artist shows us two ongoing tragedies in the life of our Indo-African-America : the internal divisions and the existence of those who collaborate with the invaders .
7 The introduction to the book states : ‘ The artist shows us two ongoing tragedies in the life of our Indo-African-America : the internal divisions and the existence of those who collaborate with the invaders .
8 However , in the absence of clear evidence and when the fiscal debate is difficult to resolve , it is possible that those who begin with a public choice framework may be led to quite different reform proposals from those who approach the issue from a more traditional framework .
9 Its true supporters can only be those who agree with the inevitable Federalist outcome of such a policy .
10 This becomes clear especially to those who disagree with the content of the nurture .
11 More to the point , you fail to mention the fact that the Government has offered talks on a pay structure which would ensure that those ambulance workers with a high skill level , who tend to be those who deal with the worst accidents , are paid more to reflect their training .
12 One of the messages from the Bill may be that bringing in those schemes and making them work is one way in which the engineers can show that they have as much to contribute in cutting the number of casualties as those who deal with the behavioural side of driving and those who build the bypasses that take traffic away from towns and villages .
13 Instead of being seen as fighters on behalf of those who struggle with the system , we are seen as architects and defenders of it .
14 Overall , the neck has a slightly chunky feel , although not so big as to be restrictive for those who play with a more classical style .
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