Example sentences of "[adj] can not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They say that the English can not stay with their child or friend or family in the hospital .
2 The importance of the vital actions drill may even be undermined in the eyes of the student if the instructor insists on a complete check of each control movement for every flight ( stick to the left , left aileron up , right aileron down , stick to the right , etc. ) , since it is clear that things like this can not change between flights , and the majority of experienced pilots only do that check on the first flight of the day .
3 This can not go on unchecked .
4 Polytechnics have been pushed towards marginal funding , and this can not continue for very long without the service to students suffering in terms of overcrowded facilities and over-stretched resources .
5 I had watched Mr Spenceley judging , so was surprised he was also a competitor ; but as judging is purely on weight and the weighing is done under supervision , this can not lead to any malpractice .
6 This can not lead to successful implementation of computer systems : managers need to participate in the change and this will motivate their subordinates .
7 Even so , with a dull Boris this can not compete with Fedoseyev 's flawed but gripping reading as an account of the original score .
8 It seems that this tax charge does not actually cancel out the potential tax charge referred to above but it is difficult to see how there can be double tax problems because there can only be a charge on monies remitted to the United Kingdom and this can not extend beyond the amounts actually available to be so remitted .
9 However , whereas it is possible for a higher-level unit in the syntactic hierarchy to be a constituent of a lower-level unit , as when a relative clause forms part of a noun phrase , this can not happen in the rhythmic hierarchy .
10 On the other hand there are those who would argue that even if the academic course has to have a vocational purpose — and most students themselves would agree with this — the variety of vocational destinations requires a degree of generality to achieve commonality of interests and this can not provide for the specific needs of future language teachers .
11 This can not fall on the last syllable of the stem , and is , if necessary , moved to an earlier syllable .
12 You should remember , however , that this can not act as a barrier if you have damp problems .
13 Of course , this can not apply to all the unemployed : our unemployment levels today are due to government policy and the world economic crisis , rather than to worsening national health !
14 People who for one reason or another can not fight for themselves . ’
15 ‘ The unemployed can not wait for the recovery the Tories are waiting for .
16 Evidently the unique thoroughness of its muster book was complemented by a more rigorous standard of assessment than in most shires , since in 1522 personal wealth there averaged £97 per thousand acres , compared with as little as £61.7 in 1515 and £64 in 1524 , and , mostly having less than average wealth , the sixty-nine additional men roped in in 1522 can not account for this difference .
17 The Regional Council has never accepted and does not accept the view that land built prior to 1991 can not contribute towards the HP4 supply .
18 Part of the reasons for their failures are related to managerial and organizational considerations but these can not account for everything .
19 Aridity too puts a brake on , for water is the medium for all the chemical reactions in both plants and soil , and these can not happen in its absence .
20 Many can not conceive of a dinner devoid of animal flesh , and steak , turkey , goose , or roast beef remains the orthodox stuff of celebration .
21 In this first category we consider three main criticisms : ( a ) that the model developed in chapter 4 can not account for a major feature of all economies ; ( b ) that the model relies for all its results on very simple specifications of the aggregate supply and demand curves ; and ( c ) that even if one accepts the model as it stands governments might effectively stabilize the economy if they possess better information about the economy than the private sector , or indeed if different parts of the private sector possess different information .
22 If 2 had been going to choose A , she would work out that 1 would plan to choose B , in which case she would change her planned action to whatever is the best response to B , so falsifying the initial assumption that she would choose A. Thus 1 can not persist in believing 2 will choose A if he knows that she is as rational and well-informed as he is .
23 A person under 16 can not consent to surgery but the parent can on his behalf .
24 While an individual may have a duty to act in the defence of moral principles , the same can not apply to the state , since the state 's action has to be judged by a different criterion : that of national survival .
25 IR spectroscopy on its own can not distinguish between the two .
26 But it is intriguing that , excluding the women players , England 's very best can not break into the world elite .
27 A suspect is charged before a court and then released on bail — but that can not happen in this case until the Irish DPP gives the go-ahead .
28 That can not happen in the water industry , so there must be much more effective regulation than has existed in the past .
29 That can not happen in year one , but as the years went by , it would enable people to build their own packages of care rather than having to take care designed by others for them off the shelf , as in a supermarket .
30 The dead can not sue for libel .
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