Example sentences of "[adj] will [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That is why , when we are about to take a free kick , Phil Meek will pull his bottom lip up over his nose and Micky Deere will leap up and down pointing to an imaginary burning Zeppelin .
2 There are few children who do not experience the death of a much-loved grandparent or pet when they are quite young , and yet so often they are excluded from all the changes that go on at the time of a grandparent 's death , as though in some way this will leave them unaffected .
3 Concessive holists can not simply ignore this divide , as Miller does , for this will leave their own position undefended .
4 This will leave you free to concentrate on having other more specific exercise or sports sessions as goals .
5 Do n't forget to provide drainage so water does not collect on the treads ; this will make them slippery and potentially dangerous , and will also encourage the growth of algae and moss on the surfaces .
6 This will make it possible to assess whether there are systematic differences in their cognitive skills in comparison to reading age and chronological age controls or whether they show a similar pattern to poor readers found in the normal school population .
7 This will make it possible , for a modest fee , to provide researchers with up-to-date print-outs indicating the scope of each item , methods of analysis used and relationships tested .
8 This will make it possible for more informed advice to be given to parents of mentally handicapped children about how they can best assist their children 's language development .
9 This will make it possible to suggest ways in which the massive foreign aid efforts currently under way to prevent very serious and increasing food and fuel deficiencies be made more effective .
10 This will make it possible … ( i ) to strengthen the co-ordination of monetary policies ; ( ii ) to develop the instruments and procedures needed for the future conduct of a single monetary policy ; and ( iii ) to oversee the development of the ECU .
11 This will make it anxious .
12 But this will make it richer and more real when you recommend books to others who are questioning and searching .
13 Soak the bread in water for about 10min — this will make it easier to combine with the roe .
14 This will make it easier to raise quality and efficiency in government and see that contracting-out and market-testing are energetically pursued .
15 This will make it easier to clean once it is soiled .
16 This will make it easier to remain upright and avoid being pushed over .
17 Presumably this will make it easier for voters in the Tory heartlands to shop abroad and avoid duty , though it may not do much for the Conservative vote in Kent .
18 This will make it stronger and is good for the North .
19 This will make it difficult to sustain scientific excellence . ’
20 Lakeside residents say this will make it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through and would be dangerous for children and pensioners .
21 But residents say this will make it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through .
22 ‘ There are difficulties with a split site and this will make us more efficient , ’ said .
23 Erm the demonstration effect of failure should also be considered , that is if you fail once you 've undertaken an enterprise , this will affect your other policy objectives too , that is er you will be seen to be weak , your commitment to intervene on behalf of other allies might be seen to be , to have weakened er and , and generally you , you might have done your , your overall foreign policy stance er some , some considerable damage .
24 Just like a repayment mortgage , the interest rates can change , and this will affect your monthly payment .
25 Not only do you have to work out where your competitors stand at present , but you also have to try and project their future course in the same way you have projected your own and look at how this will affect your own policies in future .
26 Then there is another point that I have just touched upon : if sin degrades and hardens us , then this will affect our emotional response anyway and make it even harder for the cross to be effective in inspiring us to change our way of living .
27 Without us noticing , this will affect our whole balance and coordination .
28 This will tell you all you wish to know .
29 All citizens need a highly concentrated er episode in their lives where all they do is think about what is right in the circumstances and this will give them good practice , good training to being an enlightened voter .
30 ‘ The Führer intends to meet with Field Marshal Rommel personally , to confirm his appointment as Commander of Army Group B. This will give him direct responsibility for the Atlantic Wall defences .
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