Example sentences of "[adj] this [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All this had its inevitable effect on relations between Muslims and Christians in Lebanon .
2 It was also suggested that the Board had insufficient knowledge of the Highlands and all this made it difficult for them to act correctly .
3 All this explains your long-standing fondness for conducting with closed eyes .
4 All this signals something more from Carter in the future .
5 All this gives it some importance in bringing the workforce to acceptance of the new work disciplines of the industrial revolution .
6 All this makes it unlikely that the alliance ante-dated 440 , when Corinth , for whatever reason , voted against war with Athens over Samos ( p. 46 ) , i.e. when surface relations were still good .
7 All this makes it difficult for the Tories to mount a convincing assault on Labour 's drastic plans for Politically Correct social engineering .
8 All this makes it evident and indisputable that the compiler of PS did not understand the finer points of trust wordings : for he announces that the wordings he quotes are ones in which the settlor addresses the beneficiary .
9 At first this left me speechless , but after a while I began to ask ‘ Why ? ’
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