Example sentences of "[adj] at the same time " in BNC.

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1 ( You are rarely able to sample rhythms as often as you would like. ) ( a ) Are your 4 hours of observations made in a single session or a number of sessions ? ( b ) If it is a single session , is this at the same time or at different times each day ? ( c ) If it is at different times , then how do you arrange them ? ( d ) If it is a number of sessions , then how many ?
2 Nations have to do this at the same time as they keep up economic growth , or accept a drop in standards of living .
3 At the same time she has two babies ( one in each arm , asleep ) ; all this at the same time .
4 It should be sent ( or preferably taken ) as soon as possible , together with the free death certificate ( Form BD8 ) which you will have been given by the Registrar of Births and Deaths , to the local Social Security Office , and as in most cases there is an entitlement to a National Insurance death grant , application can be made for this at the same time .
5 Oh , bit hard carrying the dinner and this at the same time .
6 So erm , if two or more do this at the same time , first person 's to speak call the talk .
7 I want to ride as much as I can , but I want to try to be sensible at the same time .
8 All these kids and lights and noise , and it 's sort of scary and exciting at the same time .
9 The question of keeping to convention versus innovating is particularly acute in this kind of example ; and on balance it may be a good idea to reformulate problematic sentences slightly so that they can follow punctuation conventions and be clear at the same time .
10 Like the quatrain poems it is funny at the same time as serious .
11 The programme is very innovative and interesting but funny at the same time .
12 Jess took a step backwards , muttering under her breath : ‘ God protect me and forgive me sins I did n't meant no wrong … ’ without believing in much except bruises , hunger and Fate which had a nasty way of turning the tables against her , but willing at the same time to try anything once .
13 Then you can begin to introduce new ideas gradually , one by one , being willing at the same time to take ‘ no ’ for an answer if they are definitely opposed to change of any kind , since this is their right and must be respected .
14 Thus the pressure , both inner and outer , on teachers to have a clear , articulate rationale for what they are doing is high at the same time as the exploration of the values from which such a rationale must derive is conspicuously out of style .
15 Perhaps peter Fuller 's Theoria ( 1988 ) , a call for a return to earnest Ruskinian values by a critic who had lost his faith in Modernism , contrives to be theoretical and distinctively British at the same time ; but that is the work of an art critic .
16 It is that the view of Anglo-American finance as a casino full of rapacious capitalists has become popular at the same time as those countries ' companies were being taken over by the people themselves .
17 Elizabeth Maginnis , the convener , said the timetable for change — starting at the start of next school year and to cover all schools by April 1996 — was unrealistic at the same time as local government was being reformed .
18 If the organ music swells this Christmas as we run down the lanes of childhood in search of sentiment or the values of yesterday , and if the early darkness on Christmas evening finds us replete and empty at the same time , maybe its because we have left the Josephs of this world alone in their silent day and all too silent night .
19 Motivated by an 1841 paper of Boole , Cayley , who was interested at the same time in algebraic aspects of projective geometry , began seeking invariants of homogeneous forms of degree n in two and more variables .
20 And one of the reasons they all became interested at the same time was that a lot of them knew each other , and so one of the things I 've been looking at is the correspondence between Americans and British people , and the fact that they travelled and kept diaries of who they met in the other country , and they all swapped ideas on how to deal with this particular level of poverty .
21 The May meeting will be on Wednesday 26 May 1993 at the same time in Glasgow Polytechnic .
22 I 'm quite scared erm I 'd be scar I mean I 'd be scared if I saw one but be interesting at the same time , I sort of want to and I sort of
23 A few boys asked her out but never the right ones , never the ones she wanted to ask her , and Sally began to wonder how two people ever came to be in love with one another at the same time .
24 He was proud that the invisible spirit animating the slight frame had dared to conceive the intended deed as his duty ; but he was afraid at the same time that he would lack the courage to endure the pain and carry it through .
25 The baby was sleeping , its lids tightly closed and its little face red and perfect at the same time .
26 They had loved one another with all the wonderful signs of love : tender and violent at the same time , obstinate and shy , fearful and joyful , jealous and watchful .
27 What we can say , though , is that the picture which emerges from these is not of a monolithic bloc but of a constantly mutating organism made up of elements which are symbiotic and mutually contradictory at the same time ( see , for example , Sanjek 1988 ; Hirsch 1969 ; Peterson and Berger 1971 ; Hardy n.d. ; Frith 1978 ; 1983a ; 1988a ) .
28 It 's like being lectured to and bored at the same time .
29 He pulled away from her and looked into her face , his expression soft and serious at the same time .
30 And so it was actually becoming dangerous at the same time .
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