Example sentences of "[adj] for the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 It may be possible for the arrangements for the funeral to be made direct with the crematorium or cemetery and minister of religion if desired .
2 It is bad for morale , and therefore bad for your performance in subsequent interviews , if you are constantly rejected because you are clearly unsuitable for the jobs for which you apply .
3 It was ironic , I thought , that for the expedition for Gareth and Coconut I 'd deliberately chosen to aim for a spot on the map that looked as remote from any road as possible .
4 However , where a discriminatory practice has been in operation for some time it may be easier for the Commission for Racial Equality to produce evidence in support of an allegation .
5 Circumstances were less favourable for the Home for Jewish Refugee Children at 5 The Avenue , London NW6 .
6 Is there anything much for the agenda for a week on Tuesday ?
7 Whitelaw , concerned as ever to be the mediator , strove to find a middle way between Heseltine and those who did not want a penny extra for the cities for fear of being seen to reward rioters .
8 Because all human beings are fallible , with individual fears and weaknesses , it is so easy for the foundation for a similar fear in our children to be laid even when we think we are doing our best for them .
9 The sellers were in breach of the implied condition that the hopper would be reasonably fit for the purpose for which the buyers required it .
10 The court sidestepped the question of whether it was a contract of sale or for services , by holding that , whichever it was , there was an implied term of the contract that the goods should be reasonably fit for the purpose for which they were intended .
11 However , although they were worth less on the open market than if they had been in ‘ good ’ condition , they were still fit for the purpose for which the buyer wanted them ( making into cattle food ) and were still so upon arrival .
12 It is at the time of delivery that the goods must be reasonably fit for the purpose for which the buyer indicated he wanted them .
13 Clearly , the farmer had been supplied with a coupling which was not reasonably fit for the purpose for which he had indicated he wanted it .
14 The product is not of merchantable quality and it is not fit for the purpose for which it was sold .
15 Many businessmen suppose that there is a general obligation on the seller ( in the absence of exclusion clauses to the contrary ) to ensure that the goods are fit for the purpose for which the buyer intends to use them .
16 On the other hand in Dodd v Wilson & McWilliam [ 1946 ] 2 All ER 691 , the plaintiff contracted with a veterinary surgeon to inoculate his cattle with a serum and it was held that the surgeon impliedly warranted the vaccine to be fit for the purpose for which it was supplied .
17 It should also be noted that there is no covenant or warranty implied that the premises are legally fit for the use for which the tenant intends using them and it is for the tenant to satisfy itself in this regard .
18 But the agency does have the job of approving materials and devices ( as well as drugs ) intended for the treatment of disease , and way back in the late 1960s it rightly concluded that none of the artificial hearts available was fit for the task for which it had been designed .
19 Brittle substances in common use include glass , pottery , bricks , cement and some plastics and these are fairly satisfactory for the purposes for which they are generally used .
20 No reports of flounder from the Nawddach estuary which has probably seen its worst for the species for more than ten years .
21 ( 2 ) ( a ) The justices were under a duty to consider whether it was better for the child for a secure accommodation order to be made rather than no order at all being made upon the application ( in accordance with section 1(5) of the Children Act 1989 ) .
22 ‘ The justices were under a duty to consider whether it was better for the child for a secure accommodation order to be made rather than no order at all being made upon the application in accordance with section 1(5) of the Children Act .
23 On Oct. 6 Klaus Kuron , 54 , who had worked since 1962 for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution ( Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz — BfV ) , gave himself up to the authorities and was formally arrested shortly afterwards .
24 The principles we advocate in paragraphs 16.46 to 16.48 for record-keeping at the primary phase are also applicable for the record for pupils in key stages 3 and 4 .
25 Yet it is just this kind of assumption , unsupported by any fieldwork , that is responsible for the proposal for the further Directive .
26 ‘ I am responsible for the preparations for such visitors .
27 As this Department is responsible for the fees for the course , which I believe will total £170.00 , I would be grateful if you could arrange for this amount to be invoiced to the above address , for the attention of Miss Heather White .
28 But the Four Powers are likely to remain responsible for the city for the foreseeable future .
29 The coaches must be prepared to ‘ live-in ’ and will be responsible for the group for the duration of the School .
30 These may or may not lie outside the range of transactions which the teacher may ordinarily use , but in order to exploit the system to the full for the purpose for which it was designed , it is necessary that the teacher using the system behaves in a way which is consistent with its purpose .
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