Example sentences of "[adj] was [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was to drive something of a wedge between him and Lloyd George and other former Welsh allies .
2 This was to allow it to be produced by 7th December and to be able to discuss any changes needed in any individual contributions .
3 This was having something in common with your lover , she thought , remembering the way it had been with Mike , who was interested only in banking and golf and what he called making a home for one 's family .
4 But in a d within the next day or so , perhaps over the weekend , if you can make your notes about what this was Put it in your own words , what was happening here .
5 The way to make NoS popular was to put lots of people in it They could be used to bring home the sort of things which should be exposed and campaigned about in the paper — like housing conditions , or unemployment .
6 That five was to haunt him for many months afterwards .
7 Trippy was meeting somebody at a club down at Camden Lock but he could n't remember who or exactly where .
8 Something too fierce was attacking her from the inside .
9 Descartes was to enjoy a freedom to publish in Holland that was denied him in France .
10 She decided there was only one cure , and that was to do it for real .
11 Erm and really the only way I thought that I could prevent myself from doing anything like that was to kill myself in a very violent way because I
12 that was taught me by my grandmother , Annie Scanlon .
13 Her lungs heaving , she fell against a tree , then slowly slid down the trunk to sit at its foot , her arms wrapped tight round her updrawn knees in an effort to hold in the pain and shock that was robbing her of coherent thought .
14 Whoever it was that was menacing her with letters ( a letter , she corrected herself , but feeling certain there would be more ) , whoever it was that had anything to do with her mother 's death , that person , or those persons , would belong to her father 's age group .
15 She would lose Patrick soon , she suddenly thought — all that was keeping him with her now was because she kept a very tight control of the purse strings : he had no money of his own .
16 When the roaring giant of a tube train came , the fag sucker suddenly withdrew his double-buckled shoes from the concrete and became a little scuttling pixie to compete with all the other scuttling pixies , but managed a further quick change to a hunched-up half-shut-marble-eyed frowny scowling monkey as he took his tense unrest out on the floor of the tube train that was carrying him to his necessary employment .
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