Example sentences of "[adj] is that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However what does seem clear is that non-traditional students are capable of performing at least as well and in some cases better than traditionally qualified students throughout British higher education .
2 What is clear is that public policies that come from outside and are imposed on inner-city populations are often based on prejudice and ignorance .
3 But what is also clear is that ideal figures such as Artegall are also susceptible to being undone , particularly by feminine guile .
4 The reason for this is that inflationary expectations are revised according to what has happened to inflation in the past .
5 One of the implications of this is that married couples will be together for longer .
6 What is notable about all this is that certain things are not included in the letter of request .
7 An explanation advanced for this is that industrial innovations generate expansion .
8 The real losers are the ‘ transport poor ’ ( chapter 6 ) , and the reason for this is that official estimates of the costs of key settlement policies do not generally include the time and money costs of individuals .
9 This is that living organisms exist for the benefit of DNA rather than the other way around .
10 The consequence of this is that public services designed to develop the potential of children and to safeguard their health and welfare must aim for an approach which incorporates the concept of partnership at its core , and that the legal framework relating to intervention in families should recognise and encourage this sense of partnership .
11 The implication of this is that well-meaning attempts to avoid killing animals , can , in fact , be injurious to their health .
12 The consequence of this is that clearing banks have a very large number of accounts but the average size of the accounts is comparatively small .
13 The result of this is that different writers produce different analyses of the phonemic system of English ; it is clear that phonemic analysis is not as clear and simple as studying the letters of the alphabet .
14 One of the pitfalls of this is that different audiences and different modes of consumption are contingencies largely ignored .
15 The consequence of this is that human beings have increasingly come to resemble in their adult form the immature — or even foetal — forms of their early ancestors by means of a tendency to delay their individual development and to retain into maturity characteristics which typified the immature stages of their predecessors .
16 The implication of all this is that large numbers of firms are unnecessary to achieve economic efficiency , and so it is equally possible for oligopolies to attain an efficient allocation of resources .
17 With a few exceptions particular examples of instruction programmes in individual libraries are rarely documented , and part of the reason for this is that special libraries themselves are not always entirely responsible for the education of their users .
18 The advantage of this is that social secretaries deal with other people 's money , so a few wrong decisions wo n't hurt their own wallet .
19 The obvious conclusion to be drawn from this is that precise numbers of TVRs accumulated by a campaign according to BARB , predicted at the planning stage , or promised in a package by a TV contractor , have a significant built-in factor of error : precision is mythical .
20 The biological corollary of this is that blocking antibodies against ICAM-1 have been shown effectively to prevent allograft rejection .
21 The second is that limited resources should not be used for this patient .
22 The second is that superparamagnetic materials have no magnetic ‘ memory ’ at room temperature .
23 One of these is that urban foxes are being dumped in the countryside .
24 The point , though , which takes the whole affair into the realms of the ludicrous is that other members of the England party , such as Boycott and Bairstow , had also played and coached in South Africa but no objection was made to them .
25 Thus his argument is that although both effects exist , the important effect as far as eyewitness testimony is concerned is that high levels of arousal in actual crimes are likely to lead to impaired memory performance .
26 One of the reasons why we are so ill-informed is that massive amounts are spent by the food industry advertising refined and heavily processed foods which often contain empty calories and excessive amounts of fats , sugars and salt .
27 The first is that financial institutions , and banks in particular , are ‘ special institutions ’ holding a special position within both the economy ( this might be called the ‘ efficiency principle ’ ) and society ( this might be called the ‘ equity principle ’ ) .
28 The first is that national interests can be guarded by way of intergovernmental agreements made in association with the Treaties .
29 The first is that enormous amounts of professional time and effort will be absorbed in explaining apparent differences between classes and schools .
30 The reason why aluminium is so toxic is that living things mistake it for iron .
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